Hello again desperate viewers and welcome to the 2nd episode review of the sixth season of desperate housewives.
Spoiler-free zone:
This episode has a very different format and pacing than an average episode since it focuses around one incident. The episode offers mainly dramatic moments but with a few good laughs along the way. It also included a lot of ensemble time which is very interesting to watch. In general this was a very exciting end enjoyable episode and was needed in order to make the viewer more invested to the new mystery which already seems interesting.
Spoiler zone:
What a great episode! It was very different without trying too hard. This season is already looking very exciting.
To begin with, the whole episode starts with an introduction to a new romance. Before you get all turned on and happy down there, let me finish and say the romance is between, the ever so enjoyable to watch, Karen McCluskey and her senior boyfriend Roy. As they walk down Wisteria Lane, talking about their relationship, they find Julie’s unconscious body. After McCluskey screams the opening ends and the individual storylines kick off as they build up to that scream. The episode continues by showing the after effects of Julie’s attack, in Wisteria Lane and the hospital.
Suzan’s storyline begins with her happily enjoying her first morning with her new (and reused) husband. But as you might already know, no one stays happy for too long in Wisteria Lane. After finding out the news about Julie, she rushes up to the hospital and tries to figure out (along with the rest of the neighborhood), who could have possibly done such a thing? At the mean time, crazy Katherine continues her paranoid scheming which seems to include making a move on Mike and trying to convince Orson that Mike is still in love with her.
Furthermore, Bree (who apparently hallucinates about Lauren Bacall in her bedroom) after having hot sex with Karl, she explains to him (while they are in the hospital for Julie) that their fun-time should be kept a secret. Karl agrees with Bree and while they kiss and make up, Julie wakes up for a brief moment and then loses her consciousness again. Talk about luck! Poor Bree is forced to stay in the hospital hour after hour to make sure Julie doesn’t remember anything. Her guilt gets bigger after Suzan told her that if a friend of hers slept with Karl it would be worse than when Katherine hooked up with Mike, since she hates his guts. But not to worry, the hot affair continues since in the end they meet in a motel again. We get some insight on Karl’s character seeing as he says to Bree that he doesn’t want to be alone that night. As for Orson, it seems his drinking problem is still a problem and he has lost track of where Bree is going. I can’t help but feel sorry for him because he is, well, a mess.
In Gabby’s storyline we see that both she and Ana are getting along better given that they talk about dating, and it turns out that Ana likes the Bolen son (Danny). It seems that she likes him so much that she tries to make a cover story for him because he was suspected for strangling Julie Mayer and he didn’t have a clear alibi. When Gaby finds that out she forces her to confess to the police which resulted in Gaby clashing with the new neighbors.
As far as Lynette is concerned, we find out that Julie told her about her love life getting complicated (after seeing Lynette crying outside her house because of her pregnancy) which resulted to Lynette thinking Julie could be pregnant as well. When Susan finds out about that, Lynette is forced to tell her (even before she told her own kids) about her pregnancy. It gets pretty emotional when Lynette tries in her own way to explain that she has thought of abortion. It’s nice now and then to see the housewives open up to each other rather than their families.
Finally, things aren’t looking well for the Bolen family. While the mother tried to keep a low profile it looks like her son’s problems aren’t helping. We do learn more about this family’s internal relationship, as they try to show that Danny had nothing to do with Julie’s condition. It seems like the father is more aggressive towards the son while the mother tries to play the I-am -your-friend card. It is also implied that Danny has a drinking problem when he says to his parents that he was drinking the night Julie was attacked. The atmosphere gets even more intense when Danny is shown getting inside a police car.
To sum up, I think that this was a very suitable second episode given that it heats things up, and creates a lot of friction between the characters. Like I said in my previous review, this looks like a very promising season.