I missed blogging about last week’s premier of the fifteenth installment of The Amazing Race so I’ll try to cover both.
Just to begin with, I hate that they eliminated a team at the starting line! Knowing how the application process generally works, Lisa and Eric must have been cooped up for about a week in a hotel, gone through countless interviews and finally flew all the way to LA to get eliminated without even going anywhere! At least in season 10 when they eliminated Bilal and Sa’eed (yes I googled how to spell their names!) it was in a different country. To eliminate a team at the starting line is just cruel. According to post-race interviews, Eric and Lisa went straight home and quit the race afterwards to they wouldn’t have to spend three weeks in sequester, which negates them from being able to participate in the finish line and know who ends up winning the race. I would do just what they did though!
After the first leg was a non-elimination, the “Dating On and Off” couple Garrett and Jessica were eliminated in Vietnam. Ehhh… they were pretty invisible so I didn’t mind too much that they were gone.
But Sunday’s elimination was sad. The teams stayed in Vietnam but this time were taken to Ho Chi Minh City and left to wander the streets for themselves. The first task was to retrieve a clue from a water dragon puppet in town which was actually a pretty cool location. What attracts me to The Amazing Race is the stunning locations and how the show is actually educational and entertaining at the same time. So the puppet task was great to watch, and it was fantastic getting to see Lance almost fall in the pool of water. Lance and Keri need to go… soon. But sadly, their time isn’t up yet.
Lance is a maniac. Sure, he’s more calm than others we’ve had in the past (coughjonathanandvictoriacough) but he’s still a bully that needs to go home. Hopefully it’ll be soon enough.
Back to the episode, the detour was a choice between lugging aroung a statue of a zoo animal to the local children’s park or going on a roof to look for six Vietnamese letters and scramble them to make a word. 9 teams chose the children’s park and Marcy & Ron chose the Vietnamese letters. The fatal mistake of the episode was made.
From my experience of watching the show, always take the detour that you’re in control of and that you can see exactly what to do. Marcy & Ron didn’t know how hard it would be to see the letters in the street or how hard it would be to unscramble them, so they made a fatal error that ultimately (and sadly) got the dating couple eliminated.
It was so close to being a fantastic episode. Lance & Keri were going to be eliminated! Somehow they got lost about four or five times and barely lost in a footrace with Zev & Justin, which they thought was for last place. But because they chose the wrong detour, Marcy & Ron couldn’t catch up with the others and were eliminated.
Next week the teams travel to Cambodia and the preview says that one team makes the disastrous error of losing their passports. Whoever this is, I’m so sorry! That would be one of the worst possible ways to get eliminated from the Amazing Race – for losing your passport. So whoever it is, it looks like they’re pretty much goners. But who knows, maybe something crazy will happen!