For the 8th October…
– Abyss challenged Mick Foley to a Monster’s Ball match. Foley comes out and Abyss mocks him for playing with socks. Foley agrees to the match if Dr Stevie can be the referee, plus if Abyss uses thumbtacks then he loses. STIPS! Stevie and Daffney wind up attacking Abyss and Lauren.
– Kevin Nash beats Hernandez when Eric Young interferes on Nash’s behalf. Young tells Nash that he owes him a favour now.
– Amazing Red beats Samoa Joe to win the X Division Title courtesy of a Bobby Lashley run-in.
– Da Pope & Homicide beat Daniels & Suicide when Da Pope beats Daniels.
– Scott Steiner & Booker T, British Invasion, Beer Money and Team 3D have a contract signing for a Double Tag Team Championship Ladder Match at Bound For Glory. STIPS! HUGE BRAWL!
– Christy Hemme, Sarita, Hamada & Taylor Wilde beat Traci Brooks, Alyssa Flash & Beautiful People in an elimination match.
– Sting says that he has been thinking a lot about A.J. Styles. Sexy. He says he can still get the job done. Kurt Angle comes out, presumably high, to tell Sting to just hurry the fuck up and retire already. Sting dares him to drive sober. HUGE BRAWL! Styles turns up and Kurt asks him for some drugs. Or a match.
– Motor City Machine Guns try to debut their new entrance music and video but an angry Samoa Joe beats them up. He calls out Lashley. HUGE BRAWL! Joe winds up putting Lashley through the Spanish Announce Table.
– ODB beat Tara to retain the Knockouts Title. Awesome Kong tries to kill Poison the Tarantula with a sledgehammer but Tara makes the save. What a peculiar sentence that was.
– Abyss & Matt Morgan beat Kurt Angle & Mick Foley. Dr Stevie and Daffney replaced Foley & Angle during the match. Stevie took the thumbtacks bump.
For the 15th October…
– Main Event Mafia Opening Promo as they celebrate the one-year anniversary of the group. Kurt Angle gives a pep talk about them winning at Bound For Glory. A.J. Styles, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Beer Money and Team 3D come out to claim TNA is three days away from the Mafia not existing. Morgan does not want to wait. HUGE BRAWL!
– Beautiful People beat ODB, Tara & Kong. Tara was at ringside arguing with Kong, who walked out on the match. Tara then abandoned ODB, who got pinned by Velvet Sky.
– Aamzing Red and Suicide went to a no-contest after Da Pope interfered. Red’s new manager is none other than Don West. Red hit Da Pope with a dropkick to knock him out the ring.
– Hernandez runs a Gauntlet Match against British Invasion. He beats Doug Williams in a minute, Brutus Magnus after two minutes and Rob Terry after four minutes. Job Squad UK. Eric Young was on commentary and jumps Hernandez after the match. HEEL BEATDOWN!
– Daniels beats Da Pope. Suicide runs out afterwards but attacks Daniels. He unmasks to reveal Homicide.
– Mick Foley comes out with some popcorn to sit in a lounge chair in the ring. Throw in a bikini model and that’s Kevin Nash’s vision of wrestling heaven. He watches clips of Abyss throughout the years. He mocks the James Mitchell era for being unoriginal, claims that he did the thumbtacks spot first, that he already did the flaming table spot first (WWE PLUG!) and then Abyss turns up with a barbed wire bat. He attacks Foley but another video airs of Stevie holding what appears to be Lauren backstage. Abyss runs to the back. It turns out to have just been Daffney in disguise. Abyss gets jumped again.
– Hamada beats Alissa Flash in a Falls Count Anywhere match. STIPS! She hits a moonsault through a table on the outside after five minutes.
– Bobby Lashley beats Rhino in a Stretcher Match. STIPS! Lashley puts Rhino in an ambulance for the win. Sure, why not?
– A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle went to a time-limit draw in a great match. Angle had the Ankle Lock on but A.J. refused to tap out as the time expired. Sting came out afterwards but A.J. ignored him.