A bit late today, but it takes time to fill Wednesday Webcomics with so much content each week!
Don’t trust us? This week: Sarah Horrocks’ ‘Luluki‘ part 6 of 11 with some unexpected guest stars, Pedro Hernandez’s ‘Company Man’ in part 1 of the new ‘Bank Job’ storyline, more blood, gutters and glory in Aris Iliopoulos’ ‘Pilgrim Blade’, and three new pages of ‘Brain Science‘ by Alex Patterson and Ian King!
If you are checking out our feature for the first time, you can read the comics archives here. Are you a comics writer/artist? Would you like to have your work featured in Wednesday Webcomics? Contact the WW editor for more information.
About Luluki:
What do you get when you combine the horrifying sublimity of early Buñuel with cutting edge haute fashion mashups? You get Luluki.
Journey into the strange and silent world of Luluki each week to follow the misadventures of a shamanic veterinarian and her friend the demented rabbit as they journey from place to place healing animals and humans alike, in ways each more surreal and macabre than the last.
Luluki is an eleven-part weekly webcomic strip by writer/artist Sarah Horrocks. Copyright 2009 Sarah Horrocks
About Company Man
A mysterious corporation subjects minority children to an experimental serum disguised as a common Flu inoculation, granting them superhuman abilities after a ten year gestation period.
Meet Nicholas Reyes, the latest unwilling “participant” and follow him as he discovers his new found abilities and who he is as a person while being forced into dangerous situations around the world.
The corporation has a plan, but are they trying to save the world or control it?
And what is Nicholas’ role in their grand scheme?
Company Man is an on-going weekly web series from writer / illustrator Pete Hernandez. Copyright 2009 Pedro Hernandez
About Pilgrim Blade
In some other time and place Pilgrim Blade is on the run. His father was the protector of the realms famed for wielding Herosong against the Troll and Ogres of Oereth’s Dark Regions. Now with the fabled sword in hand Pilgrim is struggling with what to do with it. On the run and hunted by friend and foe alike.
With the shadow of his dead father Blade Maximus weighing on him will Pilgrim stop running long enough to take his father’s place or will the powerful weapon be taken from him to be used by others to defend the 5 Kingdoms? Or will he be seduced by other forces to upset the balance power between the divine Lord of Light and dark?
Pilgrim Blade is an on-going weekly web series from writer / illustrator Aristides Iliopoulos. Copyright 2009 Aristides Iliopoulos
About Brain Science
Artifically Inseminated with Independent Thought!
‘Brain Science‘ by Alex Patterson and Ian King is a brand new webcomic hosted on http://www.brain-science.net/, where you can get more episodes (three new pages each week), along with fun bios and extras.
Brain Science is Copyright 2009 Alex Patterson and Ian King.
If you are checking out our feature for the first time, you can read the comics archives here. Are you a comics writer/artist? Would you like to have your work featured in Wednesday Webcomics? Contact the WW editor for more information.