01. Wow what a well together one hour show. Everything about the show flowed from one segment to another which is more than I can say about any other show this year thus far.
02. From Regal introducing himself to Ryder coming out to Christian coming out to Tiffany making her return and setting up matches for the night to include everyone in front of the crowd, everything just flowed together really well.
03. Unfortunately the night was marred by some seriously sloppy wrestling. Dreamer, Golddust, Jackson and Kozlov all made some very noticeable mistakes during there match.
04. However nothing was as sloppy as the Regal/Yoshi Tatsu match, which was perhaps the worst match I’ve seen since Davey Richards/PAC. It was quite possibly the worst WWE match I’ve seen all year round. In fact I wouldn’t even call it a match. It was more of a tussle. Both guys spent the majority of the match just rolling around on each other. It was a trainwreck of epic proportions. Just out and out bad.
05. However Christian and Ryder came out to save the day. Both put on a better showing than the last time they met and it was quite awesome. The tiger bomb was a fantastic touch. I belt Batista went a little limp there and we won’t be seeing it again. Teeheehee. The ending with the beatdown from Regal, Jackson, and Kozlov worked well and leads into next weeks show properly.