01. Every smart wrestling fan hates this Divas crap. Why does the company continue to push it so? Gail Kim for some reason has dropped the ball every time she has stepped into a WWE ring. Maybe she just lost her nerve?
02. Randy Orton is amazing as selling a PPV but puts on a horrid showing on the PPVs themselves. And I think people are catching on.
03. Cena no selling the punt only makes sense. He is this generation’s Wile E. Coyote. I expect Orton to drop a piano on his head on the PPV and for Cena to overcome the ivory odds.
04. Jack Swagger. You used to be so awesome on ECW. Now you’re a chump. What did they do to you?
05. Chavo, Masters, MVP, and Henry are all horribly being misused.
06. Kofi/The Miz was fantastic. The Miz giving the championship that loving kiss made the belt seem that much more important.
07. DX and Jerishow are among the premier tag teams in the United States right now. Both teams have been putting on great matches, getting involved in great fueds, and putting over younger teams. It’s awesome.
08. I still don’t like how DX went over though.
09. I expect Jerishow to seriously lay the hurt on DX next week.
10. And I expect Legacy to cost DX the belts at Bragging Rights, if not Randy Orton as well.