The Baltimore Comic Con is right upon us. I’m so excited. Seriously, for me the night before the con is like Christmas Eve was when I was a kid; I want to hurry up and sleep so that tomorrow comes faster, but I’m so excited that my mind keeps racing. I literally feel like a kid again.
I’m writing this days before the con and I’m way excited at this moment. It’s crazy.
My Planned Panels
While there’s tons of fun to be had on the con floor, searching for deals, meeting creators and admiring the costumes of fellow attendees, if you’re at a con you’ve got to attend some panels.
The beauty of the Baltimore Comic Con is that it’s toward the end of the con season (and the end of they year) so there’s usually a big announcement or two waiting to be unleashed.
Anyway, here are the panels that I plan on attending.
12:30-1:30 Spotlight on George Perez
George Perez’s work on such comics as “Avengers,” “New Teen Titans,” “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” “Wonder Woman,” and “Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds” has made him a fan-favorite artist for over 35 years. Join the Baltimore Comic-Con Guest of Honor for a lively discussion of his life in comics.
2:00-3:00 DC Nation
Want to know what’s on the way for your favorite DC books? What to hear what your favorite creators have in store? Then you have to be here! Join DC’s Ian Sattler and guests as they discuss all things DC.
3:30-4:30 Spotlight on Wednesday Comics
Comic books met comic strips in DC’s “Wednesday Comics” and the results were spectacular! Join “Wednesday Comics” editor Mark Chiarello as he talks with some of the creators behind this popular title, including Mike Allred, Joe Kubert, Kevin Nowlan, Walter Simonson, and Brian Stelfreeze.
11:30-12:30 DC Conversation with Ian Sattler
DC’s Ian Sattler sits down with the fans to discuss the DC Universe. This is sure to be a lively discussion that no DC fan will want to miss!
12:00-1:00 Marvel: Your Universe
You’ve heard us talk, now it’s YOUR turn! Who should be Captain America – Steve or Bucky? Who should be in the Cabal? What’s your favorite moment and what do you wish we would take back? This is the place for your voice to be heard as TOM BREVOORT leads the ever-lively discussion (and sometimes debate) on the current and future state of all-things comics. Have your voice heard – after all, Marvel IS your Universe!
What I’m Looking For
If found that it’s best to have a game plan when you hit con floor. With so many vendors offering up so many different things it’s easy to get overwhelmed. That’s why I try to have a list of stuff that I’m looking for. It’s usually issues of a title that I’m looking to get a complete run of or a book that I’m just looking to get into.
For instance last year I managed to not only complete my runs of Loveless, Primal Force and Vinyl Underground, but I also made some serious inroads into completing my Sandman Mystery Theatre run. Needless to say, this year I’m looking to close it out.
Sandman Mystery Theatre #16, 49, 52, 56, 60-69 – I’m so close to finishing this thing I can almost taste it. I was so excited that had #1-15, but not having #16 really killed my momentum. I’d really be happy if I could just nab that issue.
Gotham Central #26 – This is the only issue of Gotham Central that I don’t have. I’ve got all of the trades and right now I’m just tracking down the last of the issues excluded from trades that I don’t have.
Major Bummer #3-12 – I actually picked up the first two issues when they were originally released and I’m just getting around to wrapping up my run. What can I say, I love me some Doug Mahnke.
Heckler #2 – Over the summer I stumbled into a comic shop in Iowa and I scored #1, 3-6. Clearly I need #2.
Vext complete run – I guess I’m really looking for get my Giffen on.
Also I’ll need to pick up some books that came out this week which, because of a snafu, never ended up in pull box at my local shop. These include Batman Annual #27, R.E.B.E.L.S. Annual #1, War Heroes #3, Doom Patrol #3, Planetary #27 and Sweet Tooth #2.
And that’s going to do it for his week. I’ll be sure to check back in if any huge stories drop and I’ll probably have my personal con recap too.