Here is the latest update of Inside Pulse Wrestling’s OFFICIAL rankings of TNA. Rankings, will be posted the first Sunday of every month. Click Here for last month’s TNA Rankings (as of September 6).
TNA Champion – AJ Styles (since 9.20.09)
TNA Legends Champion – Kevin Nash (since 8.16.09)
1. Sting (2)
2. Kurt Angle (TNA Champ)
3. Matt Morgan (1)
4. Hernandez (4)
5. The Boss (5)
6. Samoa Joe (NR)
7. Abyss (7)
8. Mick Foley (5)
9. Eric Young (10)
10. Rhino (8)
TNA Tag Team Champions – Booker T & Scott Steiner (since 7.19.09)
1. Team 3D (1)
2. Beer Money, Inc (2)
3. British Invasion (3)
4. Motor City Machineguns (4)
5. Lethal Consequences (5)
TNA X Division Champion – Amazing Red (since 10.8.09)
1. Samoa Joe (X Division Champ)
2. Daniels (1)
3. Suicide (NR)
4. D’Angelo Dinero (2)
5. Homicide (NR)
TNA Knockouts Champion – ODB (since 9.20.09)
1. Awesome Kong (1)
2. Tara (2)
3. Hamada (5)
4. Lacey Von Erich (NR)
5. Daffney (NR)
TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions – Taylor Wilde & Sarita (since 9.20.09)
1. The Beautiful People
2. Awesome Kong & Raisha Saeed
3. Tara & Christy Hemme
4. Sharmell & Traci Brooks
5. Alissa Flash & Daffney
Inactive Wrestlers/PersonalitiesUnranked & Inactive Wrestlers/Personalities
-Cody Deaner
-Hector Guerrero
-Jeremy Borash
-Jethro Holliday
-Jesse Neal
-Kip James
-Lauren Thompson
-Mike Tenay
-Rob Terry
-Shark Boy
-Sheik Abdul Bashir
-SoCal Val
-Sojourner Bolt
-Traci Brooks
-Velvet Sky
-Willie Urbina
No longer appearing on TV and/or
-Angelina Love (Released, Non-Kayfabe)
-BG James (Released, Non-Kayfabe)
-Jim Cornette (Released, Non-Kayfabe)
-Rhaka Khan (Released, Non-Kayfabe)
In this monthly feature, the Inside Pulse Wrestling editorial board ranks the Heavyweight, Tag Team, and X Divisions within TNA. Rankings include the top ten Heavyweights, along with the top five Tag Teams, Knockouts & X Division competitors listed on, plus regular, unlisted competitors.
These rankings take into account (in order):
-Current title status
-Declared and presumed storyline rankings
-Recent victories and quality of opponents
-Quality of matches (psychology, workrate, and entertainment value)
-Quality of TV exposure (length, placement during show, and crowd response)
Agree? Disagree? Share your thoughts below!