Pro’s Jason Powell has highlights from B. Brian Blair’s interview with James Guttman for the World Wrestling Insanity radio show. And by that, I mean he has quotes from Blair about the man famous for talking about wanting to violate his rectum on the internet, the Iron Sheik.
Speaking of that, did he know that there was heat between them when they were wrestling each other back in the day? Apparently not, although he didn’t have a great time working with him either:
“No. Not so much when we were wrestling. I just didn’t like wrestling him so much because he and (Nikolai) Volkoff, they’re so clumsy. I mean, Nikolai’s a great guy, you know, but when he takes a bump, it’s in five different movements. With the Sheik, you have to strain every muscle in your body to lift him up to slam him… I like to give it all and it’s like a dance. If you go to a dance and your girlfriend can’t dance, it doesn’t really look too good. “
Blair also shares a story about the Sheik smoking crack on an airplane and reveals that he’s turned down Howard Stern’s invitation to appear on his show with the Sheik before moving on to talking about why he refused to shake his hand at the Shiek’s roast:
We did a roast for him and I went up t here. You know, he slapped me. I couldn’t believe he slapped me. That wasn’t a work. He slapped me. I was just absolutely stunned. I couldn’t believe it. (I asked myself) Did this really happen? So if I ever have a chance, I don’t know what I could do. Tie an arm behind my back?…I don’t know how old Khosrow is now, but if he’s gonna run his mouth, he’s got to back it up.
So, really, this quote is pretty perfunctory:
“But Khosrow Vaziri, The Iron Sheik, is one of the guys that I have to honestly tell you, he’s probably the only wrestler that I would say I don’t like at all. And that’s a fact.”