1. First of all, Nancy O’Dell is the hottest 40 year old on the face of this planet. Secondly, Chris Jericho did a rather nice job hyping up Bragging Rights. Nothing catches my attention more than the word “epic”. Just ask John Cena and his adjectives for all of his feuds.
2. Alright, I’ll admit it. I laughed out loud during the answering machine gimmick. I even considered doing that for my own telephone.
3. I like the fact that we’re seeing some competitive spirit between Big Show and Chris Jericho.
4. As soon as Jillian Hall won the title, I knew she was either going to lose it the same night or next week. I hope she gets fired due to the botch-ness of Melina’s finisher.
5. Beth Phoenix’s biceps are as big as my head! I swear they keep growing week after week. It’s starting to get difficult to call her “hot” now.
6. Awesome ending to the Triple Threat Match. Tonight seems like the night where all the heel stables fight each other. Odd.
7. No matter what the main event is, the thing I look forward to most while watching RAW is seeing Evan Bourne wrestle. That guy can take one hell of a beating!
8. I forgot to mention this in earlier comments, but I really hate how HHH acts like he’s so ignorant and oblivious to technology and pop culture so he can seem cool. A few months ago, he acted like he didn’t know what a hobbit was (mind you I’ve never seen a LOTR movie, nor have I read the book and I STILL know what a hobbit is). Then he suddenly doesn’t know how to work a cell phone. I know it’s his gimmick or whatever, but it just seems stupid to me. He did call Hornswaggle a troll though, which is pretty hilarious.
9. The Miz is the man. Enough said.
10. OMG!!! An episode of RAW ended with John Cena adjusting Randy Orton’s attitude??? That’s so fresh, new, and creative! Possibly even EPIC!!! I can’t wait for this feud to end.
Overall, a very enjoyable episode of RAW. My laptop was dead and I didn’t feel like charging it so I did this all on my iPod Touch. Hopefully the format doesn’t look TOO wonky. I’m Kirschner, you’re outta here.