I forgot to mention in my last post that Haley slapped Renee at Tric. Yep, completely bitch-slapped her after Renee said Nathan didn’t love her. Haley then gets arrested. She meets these skanks in jail who question Nathan, but Haley stands by her husband. Renee shows up to talk to her and tries to convince her that she’s telling the truth. She even leaves her phone number and tells Haley to check his phone records. Uh oh…
Quinn wakes up at Clay’s place. It is implied that they had sex, but turns out they didn’t. It’s cute that he insists on making her breakfast and driving her home. I can see this going somewhere. They drive home to Haley and Nathan’s house to find out she’s been arrested. David shows up and asks Quinn if she went home with Clay. When she tells him she did, he says he gives up.
Mouth is working the video closets since he won’t report the Nathan scandal. Millie comes home in the morning after a night of partying with Alex. Mouth isn’t that happy about it and I can sense this storyline is going to turn into Millie being all about work especially now that Brooke wants Millie to be a model. They fight and she ends up back drinking with Alex.
Julian is working with Alex who answers the door in nothing but a t-shirt and underwear. Brooke is understandably jealous (although I don’t like to see her this way), but Julian comforts her. While working on the script, she strips naked and Julian storms out. After getting herself together, she shows back up to tell Julian she will take it seriously. She needs someone to take her seriously. While I think it’s great that we see Alex isn’t just a dumb model, I don’t see this as the most exciting story…yawn.
Mia shows up to the airfield to surprise Chase. They have some cute moments. Really, they need to light a fire under these two or just cut them completely. I am not liking these random appearances.
Dan finds out about the scandal and calls Nathan. That conversation ends quick as Nathan blows him off. At the end of the episode, Haley calls the number Renee gave her after seeing it on her phone bill. Renee’s voicemail picks up. BUT, then we see that Renee is at Dan’s studio and it seems he let her use his phone. Either way, Dan being behind this whole thing is messed up and I’m interested to see where this goes. While Haley has her doubts, she shows up to Nathan’s press conference as he announces his love and devotion to his family, and pleads his innocence.
This season isn’t horrible–it’s not. We just need some spark. We got Julian last year and even that seems to be fizzling out. Man, these are the times I really miss Peyton and Lucas…Tune in next week!
Sharon Tharp is a freelance writer who has contributed to a variety of publications including Hamptons magazine and the Web sites of both Marie Claire and CosmoGIRL!.