Assignment: To make new dresses from wedding dresses for divorced women who wore them and do not have kind memories of them.Irina has tons of acrylic lace and linings to work with and Shirin has almost no dress at all- all poly and it cannot be dyed. Designers have $25 and can buy up to 2 yards of additional fabric. “Getting rid of old wedding dress and moving on- designers mostly think it is a good idea.
Gordana dyes lace to have point d’esprit look…I THINK SHE WILL BE SAFE- MANY HAVE NOT UNDERSTOOD HOW MUCH THEY HAVE TO WORK WITH THE DRESS! Tim gives really loving, helpful guidance. Epherson is not sure this is his best work; ditto Logan, who says he has gotten lost listening to the client, and Chris, Nicholas…Shirin’s divorcee wants to look like Cher and has an attitude, but she is not the one who can go home…Tennnnsion!
To the runway: Judges Michael Kors, Marie Claire’s Zanna Robert’s, Jimmy Choos’ Zimara Melton review. Irina’s dress shimmers and Shirin’s last minute applique and empire ribbon trim is classic for a divorcee who wanted nouveau chorus girl. Logan’s wool pants are wrong and Carol Hannah seems closet to the mark with a gray fluffy cocktail, while Althea’s color-block dress is a bore.Oh Nich, what a 70’s toss-back, but Gordana has really outdone herself in a dyed gray strapless with ruffed seams- good detail, structure and fit-love the boots. Christopher fails to redeem himself in his bubble over black- and I am concerned that insufficient original dress is there. I like Epherson’s, as I am a fan, but again question the element of the original dress.
Safe are Carol Hannah, Nicolas, Althea. They Love Gordana, Shirin and Irina. They do not like Christoper, Epherson, Logan. I bet Irina or Gordana win and Logan or Christopher goes home. The winner is Gordana who deserves it after all this time: going home is, between Logan and Epherson, who both did Octoberfest looks, is darling and talented Epherson.
Gordana’s Winner
Epherson’s Loser
Many thought Althea’s was the real loser