1. There is nothing better than when Rashad says… “I don’t want to brag…” Oh silly Rashad. Trix are for kids and bragging is for you.
2. Matt Mitrione wants a Cortisone shot. Rashad thinks he’s crazy. He’s right. You don’t get a cortisone shot for a really, really sore shoulder. You just rub Ben Gay on it. What? Is the former Baylor running back on the show also?
3. Marcus Jones thinks he is fighting next after Team Rashad jokes around with him. Well, if we know how this show works… it ain’t going to happen.. that is just too easy.
4. Zak Jensen is a big guy and he has wrasslin’. He also can’t wall walk.
5. Family of Jensen’s. I can’t lie. I didn’t really understand what Wes Sims was talking about at first. Truthfully, I wish I had never figured it out. Later on, Zak either wrote a poem about it, or a eulogy for his dying family members.
6. Mitrione just went saran wrap before training. While his shoulder is hurt, he asks for the next fight. Rashad doesn’t seem to be amused. He probably had a sammich he needed to put in the fridge, but Matt took all the plastic wrap!
7. Wes Sims gets his revenge during training as he tries to choke out the entire Jensen family. Zak grabs a quick nap.
8. Marcus isn’t picked to fight and he looks really pissed. I would steer clear of the big guy for a while. The fight is going to be Justin Wren versus Wes Sims.
9. And another member of Team Rampage goes to sleep. They really should try going to bed back at the house instead of inside the ring. Sims goes night-night without tapping.
10. Rampage showed a lot of restraint in not punching Rashad in the face at the end. Too bad we are going to have to wait a long time for these two to fight. I’m not sure, but they might not like or respect each other.