My kind of episode- it begins with real go-sees in LA which require the models to get out and about, find addresses, and deal with difficult, opinionated clients who see ALL OF THEM- not easy!
After Las Vegas, the models should have some confidence about modeling- it just does not get more glam than Cirque du Soleil!!!! Most models would kill for a picture like that for their books. But this is a new day and a new challenge.
Driving in LA is hard for most of the girls. First Go-See for some is Jewelry and Kara does not have pierced ears- for some girls, the jewelry wears them. The ad agency- they read for a show, and the girls have accents, are stiff, have greasy hair, are ripped apart…what else is new? Laura can’t get ast her accent and has no change for parking meters, which are new to her- heck, this is the real world calling. Rozae Nichols loves Nicole, another client loves Jen; Kara looks scruffy to one client and Brit puts a shoe on the table- ohmy, quel faux pas- clients! Sundai and Rai are late- ultimate- sin- Sean the Willie owner has told them from the get-go he cannot abide lateness and banishes them to the lobby- KICKS THEM OUT OF THE ROOM! The winner is Nicole- daimond earrings, clothes and a tv commercial. Kara and Sundai gossip out of jealousy about Nicole, which has been a bad sign for models- will Kara go home?
The photo shoot is Ninja Warriors marshall arts- half on the ground and half in the air on a wire. They train first with the harness for the wire and it is painful and difficult.They are doing well without complaining- Kara is still ragging on Nicole- do they ever learn? Sundai is not as graceful as usual, although she is very funny about it and I personsally love humor in a model. This is one tough challenge and I would be in tears- some of the models have major bruises from the harness. Many are nervous after the shoot.
Tyra time, and she is particularly gracious, somehow knowing that they have had a rough time! Jen is good, Rai is modelly; Erin is great. Brit looks sexy; Kara looks uncomfortable- maybe too busy worrying about Nicole; Laura is superb. Sundai is repetitive, Nicole ditto, but bone structure divine. I say Laura best, Kara home…what say the judges? I do not think they agree with me. Nicole is best photo, Laura is runner up. The bottom two are Kara and Sundai, going home is Kara- once again, gossip is for those who are not concentrating on themselves! Ladies, please, take it form this antique industry horse- FOCUS DAMN IT- FOCUS-on yourself alone.
Laura, Ashley, and Kara