’s Jason Powell has excerpts from Ric Flair’s interview with Busted Open. Flair talked about coming out of retirement to work with Hulk Hogan. He says that he’s been working out “really hard” in preparation for the tour, and that it gives him and Hogan “a chance to see if we’ve still got it going on.”
He also says that he notified Vince McMahon three months ago that he wanted to come out of retirement. Vince’s response, according to Naitch:
” I told Vince McMahon about three months ago that I wanted to back and work and that I’d just work overseas. He said, ‘You know, go for it.’
As far as hosting Raw goes, Flair’s open to the idea, but says that his busy schedule has not allowed for it yet (he’s working with Wal Mart, Sam’s Club, Kroger’s, Coca-Cola, and the North Carolina State lottery).