Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash both face uncertain futures in TNA. Steiner got a lot of heat for defacing the Swiss flag on the recent European tour, since it could generate bad publicity for no good reason. The consensus backstage of late has been that the Main Event Mafia angle has run its course and so should be dropped in favour of taking a new direction. The feeling is that, barring Kurt Angle, none of them have been interested in making new stars. Nash is charming enough, however, to talk management into keeping him around, since he is at least capable of making a good impression when doing promotional appearances.
Meanwhile, there are plans for a Sting farewell tour in 2010. TNA wants Ric Flair to be a part of it but Flair is reluctant to do anything that would burn his bridges with Vince McMahon. He has refused any and all attempts at setting up meetings through intermediaries.
Prize Fight Promotions, which has Bobby Lashley’s MMA contract, remains in negotiations with Strikeforce. There is a slim chance that Lashley could be brought in as soon as December given the lack of depth on the Strikeforce roster. A lot of people in TNA have been surprised at how co-operative Lashley has been in recent weeks. Despite needing to avoid injuries for his MMA career, he has gone along with everything, even doing table spots and taking a bump off the stage. The downside of this is that he has been made to look a lot weaker as a character than many were hoping he would.
Lacey Von Erich has earned herself the nickname “Rhaka Blonde” backstage in TNA after having rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. There were a lot of people speculating about why WWE would release her from her developmental deal as fast as they did given her look and family history. However, there are no talks about getting Angelina Love back at the moment.
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