A Modest Blog on new TNA signee, Nigel McGuinness/Dylan Wolfe

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The WWE apparently dragged their feet on signing Nigel, according to ProWrestling.Net’s Jason Powell, so he jumped to TNA where his new name will be Dylan Wolfe. Nigel is now backstage at tonight’s Impact tapings. He’ll likely be debuting this Thurday on Impact.

Apparently this is falling at the head of WWE VP of Talent, John Laurinaitis, who was responsible for the deal being inked. The WWE will very likely be unhappy at this development and, while it looks bad for Laurinaitis, this will likely close the WWE’s doors to Nigel for good. Bryan Danielson might be in a similar situation to Nigel, but he’s not at Impact and there’s no word.

Part of me hates this news. I don’t like TNA at all and want to follow Nigel’s career, so those two are now at odds. As usual with TNA, I expect Nigel to be misused, but there is a good spot waiting for him. He could slot in and immediately be the number 2 man for the World’s Elite, meaning he’d get to go face as a top guy whent he stable breaks up. Of course, he could just as easily slot into the X-Division, but would likely end up mis-used like nearly every other talent there-in.

For Nigel this means less money than WWE, though more than on the indies, and he can still work companies like PWG when he wishes. He’ll have a far easier time on his body as well, since he’s injury prone, the WWE schedule likely wouldn’t have agreed with him. His exposure will be way down with this deal, especially given the new name. Nigel has a star look, talks and works like a star, so he should, by all rights, be a star, even in TNA. Let’s see if they can not mess that up.

Glazer is a former senior editor at Pulse Wrestling and editor and reviewer at The Comics Nexus.