What a sense of timing, eh?
The big knock through three episodes of Californication was that Hank was not getting with nearly enough chicks. I personally didn’t think that much of it since a) I do happen to think the show is about more than just that, and b) I knew it would happen eventually.
Well, consider Sunday’s episode “eventually”. Moody has women throwing themselves at him to the point that his only feasible response is to simply inscribe expletives on his classroom’s dry erase board.
First off, we’ve got Moody’s lovable, love-lorn T.A. Jill. After the previous week’s positively endearing mercy-bone, Jill informs Hank that he had awoken the sleeping tiger. The previously stressed, uptight intellectual gave way to a sundress-wearing undergarments-less wildcat. No complaints here.
Building on what may have been a simple moment of weakness the previous week was the Dean’s wife, Felicia, who also decided she wanted a slice of Moody on the regular. She forced herself on Hank not once, but twice in the episode, also revealing that her douchey husband was even more douchey than previously thought, as he had strayed on her in the past. I also think the whole idea of Felicia taking Becca out shopping after a similar excursion with Hank did not go over well is a bigger deal than we were led to believe. I realize their daughters are friends, but that’s an awful matronly thing to do.
Before we complete our discussion of Hank’s trio of feminine pursuers, it’s high time we pay a visit to Runkleville, population: rekindled romance.
After it was made clear to Charlie that he and Sue wouldn’t exactly be an emotional endeavor, Charlie had to hustle home to put his best foot forward and finally sell his house. The same house in which he made a life and happy memories with Marcie. After he was reprimanded for being, um, stained (more on that later) and hiding his wank paraphernalia, it was a hygienic oversight by Marcie that torpedoed the Runkles’ selling chances. Such a travesty seemingly brought Marcie around to the notion of giving Charlie one last chance. It was sweet, to be sure, but was anyone else a bit surprised. I mean after Runkle’s escapades with Dani, Daisy and now Sue, are we bordering on Marcie being something of a pushover? Or is she just flat-out in love with that bumbling, bald bastard?
Which brings us to the most compelling story of the night, that of Hank’s smokin’ hot student/stripper/ Jackie. It was made clear to all of us that she wasn’t just some girl who didn’t know what else to do with her life, she was a cunning, intelligent, quick-witted sprite who matched Hank verbal jab for verbal jab. All of this was discussed mid-lap dance of course. My favorite moment was when Hank, referring to Jackie’s ability to show such promise and quickly disappear, called her a “topless Salinger”, prompting her to shoot back with that “stripper in the rye” comment. Runkle was riding lapdance shotgun, but proved a bit too excitable for the venue.
Jackie had dropped Hank’s class, finding it impractical as a business major. But after some pushing and challenging, Jackie found it within herself to give that creative thing a try. It was sort of like Dead Poets’ Society, but with way more boobs. Hank also probably helped his cause by that ill-fated rescue attempt outside the club, which in turn led to Hank completing the trifecta of complicated female relationships back at her abode. She was back in the class, scantily clad, with a not-so-subtly-temptation-themed apple for teacher.
Before that pitch perfect ending, we were treated to a classic Hank-Karen exchange, this time via Skype. My feelings on scenes between these two are well-documented, and last night was no exception. I mean, how are you not rooting for these two to make it, even as Hank is gallivanting around with all this fine talent? Karen, though obviously missing her man, made it clear that the distance was good, as it spared her from hearing the “gory dets” of his conquests. I simply cannot get enough of this. Everything about these scenes is perfect. I love that their relationship is so honest an dopen that Hank, knowing full well what the risk could be, needs Karen to hear all the bad things he has to say about himself, just to make sure he is not, in fact, an awful person. Great stuff.
But, is anyone else getting the feeling that Karen is also getting some action on the side? Between her call waiting move with her “boss” last week and her abrupt end to the Skyping this week, I feel like something may be afoot. Not that that would be all bad, since it is the nature of she and Hank’s arrangement, but I feel like Professor Moody won’t take it as well.
So, there we are. Are you all happy to see Hank officially back in the game? What do you make of his sexual conundrum? Which gal do you think he clicks with the most, even if none of them are as good as Karen, as he admits.