And he we go! I think we got one of the best episodes this season! Not only were the storylines good, but alas, the music is picking up! About time!
Nathan is losing his endorsement deals left and right and Haley confronts him about Renee’s number being on his cell phone bill. Nathan is hurt that Haley could ever think he would cheat on her. “That would make me Dan Scott,” he says. So true. Nathan was so heartfelt and sad in this episode. The poor guy’s life just keeps getting worse and worse.
Enter Dan Scott. Just the man to make it THE worst. He, along with a big push from Rachel, ask Renee to come on his show to tell her side of the story. She offers Haley to pay $250,000 one last time to make it all go away and Haley really considers it. But Nathan is right. Paying Renee would not only make it seem like it’s true, but it makes Haley look like she doesn’t trust her husband. So, Haley declines and we get some full-on Naley action!
Millie and Mouth are still on the rocks after she spends another drunken night with Alex. Alex is busy writing and spending time with Julian, much to Brooke’s dismay. Brooke has given Millie’s job to a new girl while she takes up modeling full-time. Millie isn’t sure modeling is what she wants and after a talk with Alex, convinces herself that she isn’t good enough. Here come the diet pills. Oh man, for once we have a decent storyline for Millie! While I feel bad she is resorting to diet pills because she isn’t at all fat, I think it’s a great story that a lot of girls can relate to.
Meanwhile Brooke is crazy with jealousy over Alex and Julian’s working relationship. After hearing that she stripped for Julian, Brooke recruits Chase to be a model for Clothes Over Bro’s…or Clothes FOR Bro’s. YES! Finally a decent storyline for Chase. I’m not sure if this modeling thing was just a one-time thing for him, but I’d love it to stick and for him to become more involved with the show. The kid never gets good lines or screen time for that matter. He and Mia are cute, but man, we need to spice up that relationship.
Anyway, Brooke storms in to Alex’s apartment and tells Alex that she reminds her of herself in high school and she’d be an idiot to let her anywhere near Julian. So, she fires Alex and Julian is stuck sleeping on the couch. I guarantee Alex is rehired soon though. I have a feeling she’s going to be round awhile. Perhaps just for the whole movie-writing angle, but either way, she’s not going anywhere soon.
As for Clay, he confides in Quinn (even after Nathan told him to stay away) about why he is really in Tree Hill. He’s not on the best terms with his company because of his wild ways, and they sent him out there to try and get his shit together. Quinn has words with Nathan and I really loved their scenes together! It was like Nathan was the older brother trying to protect Quinn. So cute. He does apologize and tells her to stay as long as she needs. It seems something is brewing with Quinn and Clay (and I’m liking it), but Clay is still caught up with his ex who he invites to stay over. Booo.
Next week looks good too! Renee goes on Dan’s show, Brooke and Julian talk marriage and Quinn shows up at Clay’s house. I’m glad this season is finally becoming something! See you next week!
Sharon Tharp is a freelance writer who has contributed to a variety of publications including Hamptons magazine and the Web sites of both Marie Claire and CosmoGIRL!.