TNA Impact Spoilers

News, Spoilers

– Kurt Angle cuts a promo about not having the Main Event Mafia with him and how young guys like Eric Young, Matt Morgan and A.J. Styles are growing up. He sees such guys as his peers and now wants to fight alongside them. Rhino comes out and complains about TNA management phasing out the veterans to make room for guys like Morgan and Hernandez. Team 3D come out and bitch at Rhino for interfering in their match last night. Rhino points out that he has a match tonight and they don’t.

– A.J. Styles vs Samoa Joe vs Daniels for the TNA title is announced for Turning Point.

– Homicide beats Amazing Red with a Gringo Killer.

– Matt Morgan beats Scott Steiner with the Carbon Footprint. Steiner at one point started hassling Krystal Marshall, who was sitting at ringside. Bobby Lashley came out and brawl with him, throwing him back in the ring for Morgan to finish.

– Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash beat Daniels & A.J. Styles when Nash chokeslams Daniels. Just before that Daniels had gone for a tag but A.J. had moonsaulted onto Joe on the outside. Nash says he is going after Eric Young.

– There is a skit with the Beautiful People filming a new movie, Meanest Girls, which is about Sarita and Taylor Wilde.

– Awesome Kong beats Raisha Saeed with an Implant Buster. She then drags Saeed to the top of the ramp and powerbombs her off the stage.

– Hernandez beats Rhino with a splash off the top rope. Rhino attacks him afterwards but Team 3D help.

– Nigel McGuinness makes his debut in a backstage beatdown of Kurt Angle. His name is WOLF DESMOND. Yup.

– Beer Money wins a Cage Match for the TNA tag titles against British Invasion by DQ. Brutus Magnus knocks out Slick Johnson.

– Angle then comes out to call out WOLF DESMOND. No response. Angle heads to the back but WOLF DESMOND jumps him from behind and hits the Tower of London.

– Motor City Machine Guns beat Lethal Consequences in an Ultimate X match to earn a title shot at Turning Point.