The following news items were posted on the October 20th edition of the ROH Newswire:
KENTA’s final two matches of his November ROH tour have been announced. On November 13th, in suburban Detroit, KENTA will battle Kenny Omega. On November 14th, outside Toronto (Mississauga), it will be KENTA vs. El Generico. Tickets for both shows are still available on ROH’s website.
The following matches/events have been announced for ROH’s November 7th show in Edison, NJ:
– Kenny King vs. Tyler Black (in response to a challenge issued by King in last week’s newswire)
– Claudio Castagnoli vs. Jay Briscoe
– A free pre-show meet-and-greet with Jim Cornette (who will also be making an appearance on the card)
– Also, Prince Nana has issued a challenge to Necro Butcher (my guess? Bison Smith)
Two more matches have been announced for ROH’s November 6th return to Philly for more ROH on HDNet tapings. Kenny Omega will take on Chris Hero, and Roderick Strong will battle Davey Richards. ROH writer Holdren McNeil offers his look at both matches (click on the preceding links).
The following matches have been signed for the November 13th show in Detroit: Chris Hero vs. Roderick Strong, and the Young Bucks vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico. As was reported last week, Steen has been nursing an injured knee as of late, but has assured ROH officials that it will not be a problem. Steen better be right, because he will be in action the next night in Mississauga as well, taking on Chris Hero!
This week’s ROH oh HDNet episode, which included an ROH World Title match between Austin Aries vs. Bryan Danielson, should soon be up on ROHBrazil’s YouTube site.
Speaking of Aries, the wire continues to play up last week’s story, where ROH officials reviewed the legitimacy of the Austin Aries Lucky Lottery. According to the wire, discussions have become “incredibly heated” between Aries and ROH officials, and announcements regarding Aries’ involvement in the next set of ROH on HDNet tapings, as well as Detroit and Toronto (Mississauga), will be coming soon.
ROH is currently running its Big Ten Sale until Thursday morning. Every DVD in stock from 2002-2006, plus 30 additional shows from 2007-2008, are available for only $10 each. General admission tickets for the shows in Edison, Detroit, and Toronto (OK, Mississauga) are also available for only $10. In addition, you can save 10% off your next order. Click here for full details on the sale.
Delirious is currently on tour in Japan and competing in the Pro Wrestling NOAH Junior Heavyweight League Tournament. He was defeated by Katsuhiko Nakajima on Friday the 17th, but rebounded to defeat KENTA the next night. ROH will keep us updated on his progress throughout the tournament.