Host: Gerard Butler (1). He was very happy that he now holds the record for number of times SNL was hosted by a Scotsman. True story — PLR had to remind me he was the guy who butchered the Phantom of the Opera in the recent film version… then he started … right before his
Musical Guest: Shakira — I really don’t like the She-Wolf single. It’s also super-old and the album flopped so this must be a second push to get it to catch on. It’s also been nearly a decade since Wherever, Whenever and I still can’t understand a word she says in her songs but I still want to confirm in person if her hips, in fact, don’t lie. That’s to say — I want to do unspeakable things.
Best Skit: Daveheart: Braveheart as told by William Wallace’s cowardly younger brother Dave. Featuring: “Some day when we’re lying in bed, won’t we think that we should have fought this day?” “No, you’ll think wow, this bed is comfortable. I’m glad I’m lying in this comfortable bed instead of being dead in the dirty mud.”
Honorable Mentions: First, BET’s socially conscious show: What Up With That? Worth it for Jason Sudekis’s dancing and a James Franco cameo where he simply sits there the entire skit and gets “bumped” from the show. I also believe this is what ever show on BET is like now. Second, the return of Barack Obama’s Hulk alter-ego The Rock Obama! Third, my graduate alma-mater RPI got a shoutout for using swine flu as their excuse to ban Beer Pong on campus.
Lines of the Week: Both from Weekend Update: “A judge in Louisiana denied a marriage license for an interracial couple saying ‘I’m not a racist, but I don’t think the races should be mixing.’ Here’s a tip to all racists: don’t deny being a racist and then defend it with the definition of racism.” Also: On the beer pong ban at RPI: “No ban on the other popular college drinking game of getting wasted and hooking up with a complete stranger.”
Character of the Week: Keenan’s urban champagne brewer Fuquay Satin marketing his “Grand Hoochie Skank Rosé” — the urban champagne with a wide-mouth for pourin’ down a bitch’s ass.
Worst Skit: Trina. The “Thomas” lady. It’s amazing how many of Kristen Wiig’s recurring characters that I just can’t stand.
Should have been funnier: Sports Show: an ESPN talk show with Keenan and a guy who definitely isn’t an alien. Bill Simmons mentioned on his Twitter feed that this would be awesome if it had Kornheiser in it with a takeoff of the PTI studio. I concur.
Digital Short: None. Boo.
Weekend Update
- The Two Gays From New Jersey: The two gays guys from New Jersey have entered the army and are poking fun of “don’t ask, don’t tell” using as many double entendrés as they could fit in to two minutes.
- The Balloon From Colorado: Is very sorry, but it wasn’t his fault.
- Gerard Butler: Talking to his family back home in “Scottish” with Seth translating. Think of the scene from Austin Powers where he and his dad talk to each other in British slang or the scene from Airplane! where they speak Jive.
- Tamara Parks (PGAD Sufferer): That’s Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder — A new Kristen Wiig Weekend Update character who is recovering from a condition in which she’d orgasm 700 times a day. This is totally different than Rob Schneider’s Orgasm Guy because she knows she has a problem and wants to stop it.
Final Notes: Gerard Butler did a great job. The monologue was good, his weekend update segment was good, the 300 segment was great. Probably second best this year.