While it’s no longer the hot topic sparking debate within my columns, I did want to briefly revisit the point I made a few weeks ago, about how I believe the natural conclusion to Chloe’s current story arc is for her to leave Smallville (the show and the town). Incidentally, my feelings on the matter have tweaked somewhat following this past episode, but an excellent comparison sprung to mind that I think may assist me in more eloquently making this point. Take Prison Break, for instance. C-Note’s character was written out of the series (essentially) relatively early on. His character received a pardon and he was able to live happily ever after with his wife and daughter, no longer forced to live a life on the run without his family. His character had pretty much reached a point where he either received that happy ending, or was needlessly forced to stay on the show because he was popular, even though it deprived the character of his happiness. On the other side of the coin, consider T-Bag. Here’s a guy who was kept on the series throughout its entire run, no matter how much it defied logic, and constantly avoided his comeuppance. His consistent presence – and the fact that he was continually forced to team with the protagonists – really made it difficult to root for our heroes at times. Sure, Lincoln was framed and Michael was merely trying to save his brother, but their antics resulted in a convicted killer and rapist attaining his freedom. And over the course of the series, their actions only ensured that T-Bag remain a free man. Sure, T-Bag was a fun character, but in my opinion the fact that he remained on the show for so long tarnished the intent of the central story.
Of course, this isn’t a perfect example. It’s just to show what can happen when you don’t take advantage of a natural exit because the character is still popular.
But, as I said, my feelings on the Chloe matter may have altered ever so slightly, as they seem to be hinting towards a Chloe/Oliver romance. I actually wouldn’t mind this. Sure, it’s just a TAD quick to be throwing her into a new relationship, so soon after Jimmy’s death, but I do feel like this would justify some of Chloe’s sacrifices. As I’ve noted numerous times this season, it’s become more obvious than ever how much Chloe has given up being Clark’s sidekick and continuing to protect his secret. But if all of this ultimately brings her to the love of her life, it’ll all seem worthwhile in a fateful sort of way. It’ll also help set things at ease with Oliver’s character. It’s clear he still has a thing for Lois, who obviously has feelings for Clark. It’s nice to know he won’t be left out in the cold.
Speaking of Oliver, he was surely the star of this week’s episode. It may sound unusual, but it was actually really refreshing taking a step back from Clark’s oh-so-close journey to become Superman. Really, Clark’s participation in the episode was filler – he didn’t even take part in the climax (and I was waiting for him to burst into the scene, and was quite surprised when he didn’t. Undeniably, this episode was all about Oliver realizing how much he’s fallen and finding his way back into his Green Arrow garb.
At first, the episode seemed a bit TOO reminiscent of season five’s “Mercy,” which in itself was mostly a Saw rip off. But before long, it reminded me more of The Game, where the rich guy has to go through a seemingly real game gone wrong, but it all ends up being part of the show (sorry for the spoiler). The end result? The rich guy has seen the error of his ways and has a renewed appreciation for life. Imitation or not, it was a fun episode that put Oliver center stage, which is long overdue. And much like Clark’s dark turn over the first few episodes, I’m glad that we’re going to see Oliver back to his old, Green Arrow self.
One thing I will note, though: Both Oliver and especially Chloe are a tad too lackadaisical about the fact that Oliver murdered Lex. Yes, he was a bad man who posed a severe threat to Clark, and both Oliver and Chloe have been forced to do some dastardly things because Clark is a tad too pure to do it himself, but still. Despite what Lex had turned into, he’s still somebody Chloe had known for several years. He’s even the person she relied on when she needed to fake her death. This is not quite as clear cut as an evil man being killed. This is somebody she knew. It just seems a little….off.
Of course, this episode wasn’t completely devoid of Clark. Actually, I thought the bit where he arrives at his front door in his Blur attire, only to see Lois there, causing him to super speed away and return seconds later in normal Clark clothing was kinda funny. I also thought his date bit with Lois, where they were both hiding something from the other, resulting in some awkward behavior, was cute. It was almost like they were on a couple’s date (as in, staying at home watching a movie together).
And finally, the final scene with Green Arrow and Clark on top of the building was a pretty cool visual. Their friendly banter was a nice way too remind the viewers that this is still a fun show, and not completely adult. But I do have to wonder: Will we see a blue and red version of Clark’s super hero costume this season?
Matt Basilo has been writing for Inside Pulse since April 2005, providing his insight into popular television shows such as Lost, 24, Heroes, and Smallville. You can visit his blog at [a case of the blog].