1st Half Of Double Main Event – Non-Tournament Tag Team Challenge
Dragon Kid & Shingo vs. Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi
The card will feature a tournament to determine the first DGUSA Champion. The championship will be known as the Open The Freedom Gate Title. The tournament format is:
Qualyfing Matches (to take place during 1st half of card, all matches one fall with no time limit, match ups will be announced in the upcoming weeks):
Salute To Skayde
CIMA vs. Mike Quackenbush vs. Super Crazy vs. Jorge “Skayde” Rivera
X vs. X
Next Level
YAMATO vs. Davey Richards
Generation New
Nick Jackson vs. Matt Jackson vs. X vs. X vs. X vs. X
Tournament Finals – 2nd Half Of Double Main Event – Elimination Match
X vs. X vs. X vs. X (four winners of qualifying matches)
Already signed for tournament:
-Brian Kendrick
-BxB Hulk
-Four more competitors will be announced weekly in the DGUSA.tv News Alerts section
Bonus Match (6:30pm Belltime For Golden Circle & VIP Balcony Ticket Holders)
Eddie Kingston vs. Hallowicked