For the past few weeks, sports news has really been at a premium. Yes there have been some news but nothing to write home about. So this will just be a quick hit and off we go!
Kiffin vs refs
Maybe I am uninformed but how come you can’t criticize referees? If they miss a call, someone needs to tell them about it otherwise its just going to slip through the cracks. I guess coach needs to let the media do it so he doesn’t get into more trouble.
Big Mac returns to St.Louis.
How can you not love this? Tony LaRussa along with his staff resign for 1 more year and brings in Big Mac. No one knows how Big Mac will do but I think this is one step in the right direction for him. Yes he used performance enhancing drugs but remember when he was playing there were no rules that said he couldn’t. That is a fine line between morality and playing within the rules. And don’t forget, Big Mac and Sammy Sosa saved baseball. I don’t care what anyone has to say but without them, baseball would be like the NHL now, on a channel called Versus. Don’t you think for saving a game he deserves a break?
That’s it for this week folks. Slow news like I said.