On The Blue Line: Low Blows

Its an obvious fact that hockey is a ridiculously fast paced sport and things happen before you even know exactly what’s going on. Nonetheless, the hits that have occurred over the last week remain a “part of the game” because the NHL continues to allow it. On a nearly annual basis, the NHL’s 30 general managers meet and debate on what should be done to lower the amount of hits to the head, into the boards, knee on knee hits and low hits such as the one that Scuderi delivered on Chimera.

The biggest problem with the entire situation is the subjective nature involved in making the “correct” call as far as the proper consequence is concerned. Do you look at individual incidents? Do you take into account the perpetrator’s entire body of work? Do you take into account the call on the ice made by the officials? If there’s no penalty or a game misconduct, should the league be able to overrule? Should there be a protocol on what deserves a fine or a suspension?

Thus far, it seems that the NHL and Colin Campbell are content with taking each hit on an individual basis and laying down its own justice. However, this early in the season, we’ve seen Darcy Tucker, David Booth and Jason Chimera take hits that could or could have ended their careers…all in consecutive days.

In more pandemic news, its been reported that Colorado Avalanche goalie, Peter Budaj, has been diagnosed with swine flu. Team officials insist that its an isolated case and every precaution is being taken in order to control the situation and to keep Budaj’s condition stable.

Take a look at these two hits that were mentioned above:

Rob Scuderi of the Kings clips Jason Chimera

Mike Richards nails the Panthers’ David Booth