Swallowing a bitter pill after the less than heralded release of Funny People, Adam Sandler is singing a different tune. A nursery rhyme to be precise.

Sandler has navigated between comedy (Happy Gilmore) and drama (Punch-Drunk Love). He gets critical raves for his dramatic turns, yet his loyal fans stay clear from the theater. They want to laugh, not see him act in a Shakespearean drama – though he did do a little Hamlet in Billy Madison. Already he’s filling his dance card with more comedies: an SNL reunion of sorts on the big screen as well as laying down voice tracks for The Zookeeper.
For more comic shenanigans, Variety announces that we’ll be seeing double of Sandler as he’ll play the twin siblings Jack and Jill, a new romantic comedy being developed for Sony for an early 2011 release.
The comedy will be produced under his Happy Madison banner by Jack Giarraputo and Todd Garner. No word on a director, but the script will be written by Steve Koren who has a history with Happy Madison, having working on Click. Not sure how the Sandler faithful will take to seeing him in drag, but if it worked for John Travolta in Hairspray, then it may just work for him.
His comedy track record is hit or miss, but I’m hoping that Jack and Jill will at least be entertaining. Something that I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry could not achieve.