It’s Halloween, Gossip Girl style. Chuck is tied up in getting his hotel more revenue. He wants to open a speakeasy the next day on Halloween without anyone’s help–including Blair’s. He does ask Serena however, for help with publicity. She’s excited to make the party big and prove to Casey she can do it.
Jenny’s minions are following her and Jenny starts treating Eric like crap. Basically, she is becoming Blair. Eric and Jonathan test her by moving above her on the Mets’ stairs (a no-no in Gossip Girl world) and she gets embarrassed. Personally, her washed out 80’s Madonna look is getting old.
Lily and Rufus debate going to the club’s opening. They opt to stay home so Rufus can give out candy to the trick-or-ttreaters that Lily has to lure up to the ritzy apartment with the help of a bellhop. How sad.
Blair tries to help Chuck even though he doesn’t want it. He has trouble getting his liquor license so Blair asks Jack (yeah the guy she slept with who also happens to be Chuck’s uncle) to help, which he secretly does. Chuck finds out the license is approved and he is finally feeling like he can get things done himself, outside his father’s shadow. He apologizes to Blair and she feels guilty. When he finds out the truth, he’s pissed. Blaiir goes to the opening despite being uninvited by Chuck and they make up. They both know the liquor license is fake so they call the cops on purpose. Now they are front-page news.
The club opening is a 20’s-inspired gala! The costumes are great and I really love some of the looks like Serena’s and all the boys. Nate and Serena exchange not-so-nice words and Jenny has a plan to get back at Eric. Her stupid “friends” throw eggs at Jonathan! I was pissed as I watched this all go down. Jenny doesn’t even really feel sorry. I can’t stand her. Eric wants nothing to do with her now and I don’t blame him. She throws all her sewing materials on the floor. Wah…cry me a river.
Casey is trying to make Serena come between Dan and Olivia. Dan isn’t Hollywood enough and Serena comes up with a plan to have Olivia walk the red carpet with Patrick (her ex/costar) to get Casey off their backs. Olivia lies to Dan, but eventually admits that Patrick was indeed her boyfriend at one time. Serena swoops in to save her party (that is currently getting broken up by the cops) by giving the paparazzi what they want. Olivia kisses Dan and Serena claims she’s with Patrick. Serena gets praise from Casey, but she wants Serena to date Patrick. Ugh. Why do Dan and Serena’s significant others always have to be connected somehow? Blahhh. Dan and Olivia have sex. Big whoop.
Serena and Blair are back to frenemies. Tensions are high the whole episode as Serena sticks by Chuck instead of Blair. So, Blair decides to do the same. Let the B/S war begin. It seems like we get one every season. As for the episode, it was OK. I didn’t miss Vanessa as usual. And I gotta say, I like that Nate and Dan were hanging out again. Nate needs some better storylines though. Perhaps one that has him and Serena together…just a thought.
Sharon Tharp is a freelance writer who has contributed to a variety of publications including Hamptons magazine and the Web sites of both Marie Claire and CosmoGIRL!.