This week’s episode was full of flashbacks and finally–answers! I couldn’t keep my eyes off the screen and yes, I even shed a tear. How sad am I? Anyway, perhaps the best episode of the season. Props to James Lafferty who did a phenomenal job directing!
Nathan prepares as he knows Renee is going on Dan’s show. Dan seems to contemplate what he is about to do, but still comforts Renee before she goes on. Haley tries to comfort Nathan while he stares at his basketball accomplishments and wonder how his own father could do this to him.
David threw all Quinn’s stuff out on the lawn and Clay helps her pick up the pieces. You can tell that there are feelings between these two, but they are both not in the right place at this moment. We finally learn more about Clay as his ex-wife Sarah is back in town after leaving him. He admits he likes Quinn, but says, “she’s not you.” I called it from the start!!! She is a ghost! Turns out she and Clay fell in love, married and she died. I really warmed up to Clay this episode! He had me tearing as I watched him break down after her funeral. Sarah pushes him to move on and talk to Quinn, but he tells Quinn to go back to David. She leaves very hurt. It’s nice to see Clay’s story come out and explain why he acts the way he does. All that hooking up with random girls was only to hide his pain. Aw. Best story arc of the season I’d say.
Flashback to Quinn/David scenes. David still creeps me out a bit. Apparently, they had money problems as she was a struggling photographer and he a filmmaker, but they were happy. Looks as though things went sour once he became more successful. They both annoy me and I think they are both to blame. He seemed disinterested and she seemed to hold onto the past. Looks to me that they just grew apart. And now, hopefully we don’t have to sit through anymore David/Quinn makeout scenes. Gross.
Renee answers Dan’s questions on his show and Dan says he believes her. Wait for it…he brings out a lie detector! I knew it was going to get good here. Nathan and Haley didn’t want to watch, but it turns out Dan does has Nathan’s best interest at heart. He lets Renee tell the lies, but masks them as the truth. Then he turns the lie detector on himself showing that it is rigged. He basically forces her to come clean and she does. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief as Haley happily cries in Nathan’s arms. Rachel asks Dan how he knew she was lying and he says he knows what kind of man Nathan is. I think we all know Nathan is and will always be our good guy. Naley love!
Took way too long to finally get a Brooke/Julian scene this episode! They are tense. Brooke is still jealous over Alex working with Julian, which I find stupid. I think Brooke is a lot more secure than she’s playing. It’s sad, but she tells Julian she planned on proposing as she wrote “Marry me?” in the sand. He assures her that he feels the same way, but they don’t want to rush into anything just yet. While I wasn’t a big fan of their argument, I did like to see old Brooke and Julian together.
And I’d just like to say, I didn’t miss Alex, Millie, Mouth or Jamie this episode. That should tell you something.
I am pumped for next week when at last we get a comedic episode! Looks like Nathan, Skillz and Julian take Jamie and his friends camping. Nathan is iffy about going with Julian because he doesn’t know him all too well (apparently) while the girls have a fun night together. The best part of the promo is when it is revealed to Julian that Brooke and Nathan made a sex tape in high school. Oh, throwbacks! Gotta love them.
Sharon Tharp is a freelance writer who has contributed to a variety of publications including Hamptons magazine and the Web sites of both Marie Claire and CosmoGIRL!.