1. That was a pretty good imitation Rampage did of Rashad’s loss to Machida.
2. Matt “Meathead” Mitrione is picked by Rashad to fight Scott Junk. I actually think Rashad doesn’t want to win this fight. I’ve seen nothing impressive from Mitrione so far. Wow, the last fight will be Big Baby vs Tiny Mike. The size difference is barely noticeable.
3. When/if Rashad and Rampage ever fight, somebody is getting knocked out and maybe dead.
4. The English bloke is speaking ( I think a bloke is what men in England call each other. I’m pretty worldly, so I know this type of cultural stuff) and I have no idea what he is saying. I think he said David Beckham is a wanker.
5. Matt Mitrione has voices in his head. He must be listening to all of them whenever he speaks, because he rarely makes sense.
6. During training, Scott Junk’s stand up looks really good. His hands look fast and heavy. On the contrary, my hands usually look like they are holding a sammich. Because they are.
7. Matt freaks out at training. It would have been really awesome to see him actually try and hit Rashad and then go to the hospital.
8. Wes Sims as a ninja is the funniest thing I have ever seen on an episode of TUF. Much funnier than fruit urination and that other incident which I shall never mention because it was about ten thousand steps across the line. Quit thinking about it!
9. Finally a fight with a lot of big shots thrown. Of course then they ran out of gas before the second round. I think it should have gone to a third round. First to Matt, second to Scott.
10. I don’t care what a door is made of, I don’t want to ever get hit by someone who can tear one down so quickly and efficiently.