As tensions mount after the departure of the confident Shirin, the designers faces tighter, voices lower, discuss how really seriously they are taking this point in the competition.- Nicholas says, “…it’s me,me,me.” and that pretty much sums up how they all feel’
Tim takes them to ritzy Rodeo Drive to meet Michael Kors at his West Coat flag ship, where MK talks about inspiration. They choose from seven locations- Carol Hannah, Palm Beach-, Nicholas, Greece- Althea, St. Tropez- Jordanna, New York- Irina, Aspen- Christopher, Santa Fe and Logan, Hollywood. I GET TRAVEL ENVY. 30 minutes to sketch, $150, and half a day to do it. Jordanna has NYC, Park Ave, to be specific and I see her in trouble at the outset. Nicholas is taking a risk; Irina is doing a cute fur vest. Christopher is doing piece work.
TIM time- Jordanna has no dress and great trim; Althea is tailored; Christopher is good on color; Carol Hannah is print- ugly in my opinion, but prints are personal; Nicholas is different; Logan has a lot to do; Irina needs to watch proportion. The models come in before many designers have even cut pieces- for Jordanna, that would be her entire dress. After midnight, Nicholas sings his usual GOING HOME BLUES- they are all nervous, and many of them have bonded- well, not Irina, she is all biz, and it seems to be paying off.
Morning in LA- Silent panic in the workroom. Not to be Miss Bitch, but where do they find models with such bad skin? Air Brushing Make- Up does not even help some of them. Can you spell dermatologist? If you are a model, it is YOUR JOB. OK, I vented. Glued and pinned together in some cases, off to the runway they go.
Judges are actress Milla Jovavitch, Michael Kors and Nina Garcia. Logan’s is cute as is Althea’s- Nich’s looks drab; Carol Hannah has pulled it off; Chris’s colors are good and Irina’s is terrific; Jordanna’s is actually good.
The judges like Irina, don’t like Chris, love Carol Hannah, dislike Nicholas, like Jordana, find Logan boring. I think CH wins and Nicholas goes home. THE WINNER IS IRINA. GOING HOME IS NICHOLAS. I really liked him a lot. The judges tell Jordanna she has talent and needs to stop being self-denegrating- I think it it her entire ‘sclump’ act that turns me off, and I am going to look at her in a new light, as a woman who needs encouragement. The best line of the night was uber-judge MK on CH’s rather muted olive floral fabric, when he said Palm Beach is all about color and prints, and added, “This is a pin-stripe for Palm Beach.” Later, MK said he was not sure is Nicholas was inspired by Greece or Grease! Fun challenge.
Irina’s Winner in Aspen
Carol Hasnnah’s Palm Beach
Nicholas in Greece or Grease- Loses