Seriously epic episode that kicks last week’s episode’s ass.
Looks like Grey’s Anatomy has finally emerged from the cocoon of crappy storylines and cringeworthy dialogue as a brand new improved show. Elements of the early seasons shine through the new developed surface, such as the dry verbal and visual wit, the unique story perspectives and the genuine unerupted tension.
The episode is narrated by Derek, whose nurse reveals he has a grisly and supposedly inoperable spinal tumor. Not inoperable for Derek of course, except for the reason that the delightful Chief is once again being a swell guy and refusing to let him perform the operation. So Derek breaks out and rebels against him at last. Accompanied all along by an amusing “mission” music beat, he spreads the word that he’s performing a rogue surgery, and chooses Lexie to “get her rogue on” with him. He also selects among the residents, Alex 2.0, by the process of a contest which Cristina, to her continued chagrin, fails. OK, we saw it coming, but it’s still good. (Especially the way Hunt coaches her afterwards – I like their relationship now that it’s less time-hogging and over-dramaticized. This is much more Cristina.)
The surgery itself is over 22 hours long, and every doctor in the place is soon intruiged by it, helping Derek to hide his rogue operation from the Chief. Lexie, after being taunted by Alex 2.0 (hereafter Jackson Avery, or something like that), comes up with the idea of wearing a diaper so she won’t need a bathroom break. Cristina, impressed by her tactics, tries the same to pull her own 11-hour surgery. Meanwhile, in his own ER, Derek is faced with the challenge of a lifetime as he faces off with the Super Tumour. You can practically smell the sweat on McDreamy’s brow as the most calm, collected, unfazable “nuero-god” on the planet begins to feel the strain.
The pace of the episode, the chemistry between the characters, the story jerks and twists, are just perfect. Every character has is given the right amount of coverage they deserve, rather than focusing too much on a favoured person or couple. Maybe they went a teensy bit overboard on the patient’s Brave Speech In The Face Of Death, and Lexie’s “kiss my hardcore, diaper-wearing ass” rant sounded like it wanted to be the new “can’t pray away the gay” (NEVER), but both raised a smile.
Best episode of the season yet, keep ’em comin.