Welcome everyone to the second addition of The Thayer Report. I have a huge column for you this week and nothing is going to change what I’m about to write. See that’s one of the positive things about writing every other week. It gives me a chance to really think about what I’m about to write and I feel confident that I have all the facts, all the knowledge and put in all the hard work to bring you exactly what you need. This week we compare what The Ultimate Fighter has done to not only promote its product but turn Kimbo Slice into a loved fighter and how it can help a taped TNA Impact. Yep I’m set to get started and nothing can change my mind…
What…You’ve got to be kidding me….
So I had to scrap my plans and don’t be surprised if the next article you see is the one I was originally supposed to do. However this is Hulk Hogan we are talking about and this is one of the top stories of the year. It might also be one of my hardest columns to write because the truth is I have no idea what to say. I think the only thing I can do is break down the facts and give you my honest opinion on what this means not just for TNA but the wrestling world. No Hulk Hogan Bias for or against, just an honest opinion and hopefully another perspective.
Getting People’s Attention:
No Doubt Hulk Hogan has got people’s attention and it’s the only thing wrestling fans are talking. TNA was a “Trending†topic on Twitter for the first time ever and with the help of Hulks new book, TNA has been getting attention on talk shows as well. You can’t deny that Hogan is like a rock star and even if people don’t like the man, even if they no longer watch wrestling. They will tune in to see what Hogan is doing.  It also just happens that three of the biggest stars currently in TNA: AJ Styles, Daniels and Samoa Joe will be headlining a Main Event together at Turning Point. With any luck fans who no longer watch wrestling will watch to see Hogan and this will in turn attract people to watch these three young stars and become interested again. I expect ratings to go up for Impact and more people to buy Turning Point. Don’t get your hopes too high though because I don’t expect anything higher than a 1.5 at best and if TNA can average that or greater I think it’s a move in the right direction.
Let’s Keep Spending:
Bischoff and Hogan are now invested into TNA and while I don’t believe that Hogan is now higher then Dixie Carter I do think that both men will have a share in the company. That means that neither man is going to want TNA to fail. Maybe the talk of Hogan and Bishoff being selfish is a good thing. After all if a selfish person invests a lot of money into a company, don’t they want the company to succeed so they can make more money? Of course they do and that’s going to mean Hogan using his powers to bring in more people. It wouldn’t surprise me if Ric Flair goes to TNA and Rob Van Dam appears to be another likely name.  Don’t expect Stone Cold or even Goldberg though because I serious doubt its going to happen. For the record Shane McMahon is NOT going to TNA. I don’t care if Vince and Shane had the biggest fight in the world, Shane still wouldn’t go to TNA because if Shane did go to TNA it would instantly kill any chance of Linda getting elected. I know….I know what you’re thinking, politicians don’t keep secrets and family feuds are never kept under the rug. Forget it, Shane isn’t going to TNA and Vince and Shane having a blow out fight probably didn’t happen either.
What about Younger Talent:
So now we have all these new guys coming in and people are wondering, what about the young talent that has been getting the push?  This is where it gets interesting and this is where my problem lies. Either two things are going to happen. Either the young guys will get pushed under the rug for bigger star power or the old and new talent will be able to work together as a team.  In till it happens I’m going to say this could work out.  I’ll even help get things started for TNA. We’ll start the night after Turning Point where Kurt Angle and Desmond Wolfe are still going at it; AJ Styles is still world champion and will begin a quick one month feud with Tomko. I’m also going to assume that Hogan just had a match at the PPV. So Hogan comes out and says he enjoyed the match, he loved giving people the thrill of Hulkamania but there’s comes a point where Hulkamania can only do so much and that he’s going to now focus on building up the young talent and helping them grow.
Now let’s go past the next PPV Final Resolution, Kurt Angle just defeated Desmond Wolfe for a number one contendership match. So right now we make AJ Styles happy by giving him the match with Kurt that he demanded from Russo. Wolfe is pissed off and is attacking everyone and anything in the backstage. Wolfe even goes as far as to attack Hulk Hogan in the ring. This is a big mistake because Hulk Hogan has no choice but to wrestle Wolfe and by doing that I’ve just created two big main events for Against All Odds. TNA is keeping the focus on a young AJ Styles while also giving another young talent a chance with Hulk Hogan. Against All Odds comes and Hulk Hogan is about to finish Wolfe off, but before he can Ric Flair comes out and attacks him, allowing Wolfe to get the win. This makes Desmond come off huge and also keeps Hogan’s ego happy because he was cheated. Flair can explain that his time in ROH allowed Flair to see the true talent Wolfe has and refuses to let Hogan destroy that. Leading to battles with Hogan against Flair and keeping Wolfe in the big picture as well. This keeps Hogan away from the main event while also making him a star. This keeps AJ Styles in the main event and doesn’t make him come off as any less of a wrestler because he will continue facing guys like Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle and maybe RVD. If Hulk Hogan can push his ego aside and if booking can realize the potential they truly have then I think it could work. Then again maybe it’s easier said than done.
There is still so much to talk about and I’ve only discussed three topics. As always please give me your thoughts and feedback. I might continue with this column by adding a part two but I don’t know if I should wait for my next column two weeks from now or if I should find a blog site and post it there instead of anyone interested to read.  No matter what happens the wrestling world will be changing and Hulk Hogan has gotten his wish. For better or for worse, Hulk Hogan holds wrestling in his hands once again.
Goodnight America