The Office – Episode 6-10 Review

Shows, Top Story

Upsetting rumors about Dunder-Mifflin push Michael to distract the office with a murder mystery.

“You can all have jobs at Schrute Farms as human scarecrows.”

David Wallace sends a mass email to all of Dunder Mifflin, asking them to ignore rumors that the company will soon declare bankruptcy. Michael does nothing but propel the rumor, and the office is unable to get any work done.

While Jim does his best to put everyone’s minds at ease, Michael decides that the best way to cope with rumors is to play a murder mystery game.

“I only slack off when things are good.”

Everyone is given a character and props. Andy, frightened by the possibility that this may be their last day at work, intends to take matters into his own hands with Erin. Unfortunately, he is given the role of Erin’s brother in the game. He does manage to ask Erin out on a date, but she accepts during the game. When he presses her for an answer later, they both deny being serious (but Erin expresses her disappointment in a talking head).

Oscar reports that he’s received a message from corporate to stop payments to vendors. Trying to get everyone back on track with the game and away from the news, Michael accidentally reveals the murderer and the office quietly returns to work.

Michael continues to address the office in his accent, suggesting that they “reopen the case”. Fed up with the game, Jim interrupts a murder scene recreation to scold Michael. Michael snaps, insisting that they need the game. Jim quietly accepts.

David Wallace calls, confiding in Jim that they fully expect to be out of money by the end of the year. Jim walks out of his office but keeps the news to himself. Instead of delivering the bad news, he announces that there’s been another murder.

“Today is the hardest I have worked in a long, long time.”