WWE sent Kofi Kingston to do an interview with an Oklahoma City FOX affiliate during promotion for Raw last week. The interview was conducted by news anchor Matt Austin, who told Kingston off-air that his father once wrestled Shawn Michaels. His father is actually Chuck Austin, the enhancement wrestler who was paralysed from the neck down after taking a Rocker Dropper from Marty Jannetty during a TV taping in Tampa in 1990. Austin wound up getting an out-of-court settlement from WWE for about $10 million. He had only been in about half-a-dozen matches before that one and took the move with his head down, rather than landing flat, which brock his neck on impact. He has since regained some use of his extremities. After the incident, WWE began to use well-trained and experienced guys for enhancement matches on a regular basis. His son mentioned at work that his father had done some pro-wrestling but nobody made the connection until a co-worker asked if his father ever wrestled the Rockers.
Credit: Wrestling Observer