Jim Ross Talks At Length About Daniel Bryan Danielson on WWE NXT; Claims He Won’t be Raw GM


Here’s what JR had to say about Danielson:

“Amazing discussion virtually every where one looks on the net about the Daniel Bryan/Michael Cole dust up on NXT Tuesday night. Honesty, I feel that it helped both individual’s persona’s and will likely encourage fans to tune in again to see the follow up on the matter. I’m not so sure that I wouldn’t have something occur Sunday in Detroit at the PPV to add a little fuel to the fire and if not there on Monday Night Raw in Toledo for sure. The end result is to first create awareness for the wrestler and then to further develop Cole’s on air persona.

With Daniel Bryan in limbo my new favorite on NXT is the same as the pros and that is Wade Barrett. Barrett seems to have ‘it’ and time will tell when Barrett realizes such and starts to elevate his in ring game. The Brit sure looks like a keeper to me. ”

And on the GM:

“Yes, Raw is going to name a new GM this Monday night and even though my name has been one of many under internet consideration I can assure you that I have no plans whatsoever to be in Toledo Monday but rather will be watching Raw, as usual, in my La-Z-Boy in my living room in Norman. I hear by nominate US Champion Bret Hart for the task. Or Chelsea Handler. Or Joey Styles. Or The Fink. ”

For more Ross, Click Here

Glazer is a former senior editor at Pulse Wrestling and editor and reviewer at The Comics Nexus.