LOST Plan of attack


“The End” is well within reach.

This is simply a short update on my intentions following tonight’s marathon of Lost-related programming, in case any of you were curious. At the show’s end, I will immediately post something of a bare-bones instantaneous reaction to the most hotly-anticipated hour of television in recent memory, probably totaling somewhere near 500 words.

Following that will be a solid night’s sleep, no doubt filled with Island-explodey dreams and flights of sideways fancy. I will then post an in-depth, thorough and series-spanning analysis sometime Monday afternoon, before recording the final IPTV LostCast later in the day.

My reasons for this have to do with something I discussed on said podcast just last Wednesday. I don’t know if I will love or hate the finale to my favorite television program of all time, but I can almost certainly guarantee that I will be completely overwhelmed by it. I don’t know that I will be able to effectively put the 2 1/2 hour-extravaganza into instant perspective without some time to let it gestate in my soul for a time.

I can’t believe the day is actually here. Happy LOST-ing, everyone. Anyone having any sick parties?