The Real Housewives of New York City – Episode 3-10


“Who made you God?”

Who indeed, Countess. Who indeed.

LuAnn again tries to insert herself into the Drama of the Week and corners Alex at the Cocktails and Couture party. LuAnn hilariously insists that it’s not their place to take sides. How does she not see the irony in that? Apparently all of these women are delusional windbags. Bobby also talks to Alex about the message and he’s awesome, so it’s not nearly as gross as LuAnn’s finger wagging.

Jill acts like a child by placing herself around Alex the entire night while refusing to acknowledge her presence. She ends up crying to Kelly at the party, saying Bethenny’s engagement and pregnancy are making her regret ending the friendship. Good! But she sticks with her “unprepared” story – all of the times Bethenny reached out to her, she wasn’t ready to make up. She didn’t have “her notes.” I’m not sure what any of that means. If you’re friendship was valuable enough, you fix it when you can. If you’re too emotional at that moment, you say “give me some time.” But instead Jill said “we’re done!” That’s not a statement you take back.  Jill say’s she’ll never forgive Alex, and rebuffs her attempts to talk. I guess Jill just said goodbye to another friendship.

Bethenny is going to to LA to see her father after he reached out to her. She calls Ramona on the way to the airport, and this is a really raw conversation. We rarely see Bethenny in pieces like this. I appreciate the moments between the women that are genuine friendship, this is one of them. I’m glad Bethenny has a chance at closure and the relief that comes with it.

Of course, nothing big or small can happen without Jill crapping all over it. Some new woman, Jennifer, is having a party and the women all attend. Ramona breaks the news that Bethenny’s father has passed and Jill immediately explodes. “I emailed you at two o’clock! I told you before and you didn’t even respond! How did you not tell me her father’s about to die? Something that’s life-changing! I have a history with her! How do you not tell me that?? If you were my friend, you would have told me!”

I’m not sure why Jill was angry. Ramona kept a private conversation private and didn’t owe Jill anything. I was cheering when Ramona fought back and brought up the times Jill cut herself off from Bethenny. It’s Jill’s fault she wasn’t there to comfort her friend. Did she forget the time Alex brought up Bethenny’s father and Jill acted like it wasn’t a big deal? She has no one to blame but herself. Instead she chooses to cry and whine in a pantry.

It doesn’t end there. From what I can gather, Jill sent a text to everyone about the rumor that Bethenny’s father died. Alex is (rightfully) angry that Jill used this opportunity to gossip. Jill may have thought she was doing a public service by letting everyone know, but it’s awfully tacky. A man died. It has nothing to do with you, Jill. GROW UP. Alex uses this time to unleash everything she’s ever disliked about Jill. Everything. It sort of comes across as if Alex is the psychotic one, but if anyone takes a look at the larger situation, Alex has a lot to be upset about. Their fight ends with a toast to the end of their friendship – and the end of the gossip.

“You are a mean girl and you are high school! And while you’re in high school, I am in Brooklyn!” Best line of the night.

Random Thoughts:

  • Is Jennifer going to be a new Housewife? I have mixed feeling about her, simply because she told Kelly to “rock on with your big bad self.” She also said LuAnn’s date has bad hair and looks gay (both are true), so maybe she’s not a total loss.
  • I may hate Jill’s holier-than-thou nitpicky attitude, but if anyone needs to be fixed, it’s Kelly.