Showcasing the high flying antics that “Crackdown” is known for, Microsoft and Ruffian Games released “Toy Box,” the third and final installment of the “Crackdown 2″ video documentary series. Taking fans behind the scenes of development, the video gives fans an inside look at some of the new weapons, vehicles and explodables they’ll find in “Crackdown 2″ when the game releases in North America on July 6, only on Xbox 360.
In addition to a volatile adventure where Agents fight off droves of Freaks and combat the Cell to restore peace to Pacific City, “Crackdown 2″ features one of the most explosive interactive worlds for gamers to explore and experiment with. In “Toy Box,” the team at Ruffian Games reveals a handful of new weapons, vehicles and features that will be introduced in the highly anticipated sequel to the 2007 smash hit. From the armed-to-the-teeth Agency Tank to the limitless possibilities of the new Mag Grenades, players have complete freedom to choose their own adventure within the vast “Crackdown 2″ sandbox, providing infinite hours of fun and mayhem, whether solo or with a team of Agents.
Crackdown 2 will be in stores on July 7.