Spoiler Warnings: Things go from bad to worse in Justice League: Generation Lost #3


Fire has been decommisioned from Checkmate, that was news from last issue, this issue we find out it’s because she failed her psychological fitness exam twice….a test she’s never taken. The Black King reveals to her that they believe her to be paranoid and delusional, that he knows of her jobs for Amanda Waller, of her father being a psychotic military man who orchestrated genocide, and how her mother has a psychotic breakdown after being diagnosed as bi-polar when she was a year older then Bea currently is.

Bea then sees Max, powers up, and goes after him….and in a scene very reminicent of what Captain Atom did last issue, she fights her way across Checkmate to go after Max, and she catches him. She says she’s got him and he’ll pay for his crimes, but then he pulls the joke on her just like Captain Atom, and she finds out she’s been burning an innocent man alive. She escapes before being taken into custody, but the Black King says she’s the Justice League’s problem now.

Meanwhile, Booster, Ice, and Captain Atom show up to help Blue Beetle fight off the OMAC’s that attacked him at his house. It’s…..not going too great, especially when a ton more OMAC’s teleport in. Beetle fights with his suit over not wanting to kill anyone, and winds up stopping the OMAC’s with magnetism keyed directly to their nano-structure. They begin to teleport out, and Booster uses his forcefield to take the group along for the ride. They wind up in Russia, no signs of the OMAC’s, and the scarab is telling Jamie about Max Lord and it’s revealed that AI’s should be immune from what Max did.

And that’s when the Rocket Red’s attack.

A lifelong reader and self proclaimed continuity guru, Grey is the Editor in Chief of Comics Nexus. Known for his love of Booster Gold, Spider-Girl (the real one), Stephanie Brown, and The Boys. Don't miss The Gold Standard.