E3 2010: Bodycount Debut Trailer for PS3 & XBox 360

News, Trailers

The video shows a wide range of environmental elements shredding and exploding in real time as Bodycount’s super-charged weaponry rips them to pieces, dynamically changing the environment and presenting unique tactical challenges and opportunities for players. Gamers are also introduced to the ‘Psycho Tank,’ a mini-gun wielding maniac who stops at nothing as he smashes through walls to get to his target.

In Bodycount, players assume the role of a young renegade who finds himself in a deadly situation way beyond his control when he becomes ensnared by a shadowy organisation known only as ‘The Network.’ He becomes a ‘John Doe,’ an anonymous yet powerful ‘combat asset’ who is dropped into the world’s most dangerous warzones to carry out overt assassinations with extreme prejudice.

Players can deploy a mouth-watering selection of contemporary weaponry and unleash a range of heavy-duty tactical support, including mobile gun platforms and fearsome air support by collecting Intel and chaining kills to rack up their Bodycount. Guided by a female operative, who is as enigmatic as her employers, players are encouraged to leave no witnesses as they engage in chaotic, close-quarters combat and best-in-class gun play.

I like Comics, Wrestling, Super Mario Bros & Dead Space. Oh ya, and Scott Pilgrim.