Spoiler Warnings: What Is The Teams New Mission In Thunderbolts #146 By Jeff Parker And Kev Walker?


In keeping with the totally out there missions, this time around they were sent in to play clean up after a U.N. crew and a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents both went missing at the same location, a place where there were believed to be Terrigan Crystals. Yes, the ones that give the Inhumans their abilities. Sure enough the crystals are legit, and the people are all dead.

The catch? These crystals are on top of a uranium depository. Radioactive Inhuman makers!

A lifelong reader and self proclaimed continuity guru, Grey is the Editor in Chief of Comics Nexus. Known for his love of Booster Gold, Spider-Girl (the real one), Stephanie Brown, and The Boys. Don't miss The Gold Standard.