The man that holds the honor of producing the two highest grossing films in cinematic history appears to be a very busy boy.
James Cameron recently spoke with both MTV and MarketSaw about some upcoming projects and all the things fans have been wondering about.
Here are a few of the more important highlights from both of those interviews.
~ Avatar and its sequels
Deals are currently worked out for the sequels to Avatar, but the story ideas in general have already been planned for both of the next two films.
“Avatar 2… we’re still working on deals. We don’t start the movie until we get the deals worked out,” he said. “I’m making notes. I’m not sitting idle. But really, what I’m working on primarily is the novel.”
Cameron did things a bit backward from the norm as in the novel isn’t even finished yet. Most of the time, it’s the movie that follows, not the book.
“I never had a chance to get the novel done while we were making the movie, and I always intended to. I didn’t want to do a cheesy novelization, where some hack comes in and kind of makes sh*t up. I wanted to do something that was a legitimate novel that was inside the characters’ heads and didn’t have the wrong culture stuff, the wrong language stuff, all that.”
Cameron also spoke on a re-release of the first Avatar film and let it be known that there would be close to nine minutes of brand new footage added in. The producer lets it be known they had plenty to choose from but only added the best available. MarketSaw lists what we’re getting that’s new:
* scenes set in the rainforest, some at night
* a hunting sequence
* plenty of flying
* an emotional scene near the end
* a Na’vi counterattack after the bulldozer attack
* more of Grace at the school
* the Stingbat and Stumbeat creatures
* more of the glad love scene
~ At The Mountains of Madness
It seems as if Cameron was the one that brought back the idea of the H.P. Lovecraft novel being brought to life on the big screen. He mentioned it and was curious if Guillermo del Toro was still interested in doing it and when he found out that he was, Cameron simply stated “Let’s do it.”
Next thing you know, they collaborated on the idea, brought it to Universal, and it got the green light.
~ Titanic 3D
Since his highest grossing film is getting some extra attention, it appears only fair that Cameron give his second highest grossing film the same treatment. He likes the idea of 3D and isn’t fond of the excuses some people give for not doing so.
Cameron is going to take Titanic and convert it to 3D; a process he expects to take anywhere from eight months to a year. That would put us on track for a theatrical 3D release of Titanic sometime in 2012 after plenty of testing to insure it is done right.
“You just can’t cut out edges, you’re going to get flat people moving around,” Cameron said.
Looks to me as if he has plenty enough work on his hands to last him at least through the next four or five years. That’s not even to mention other projects he has in his mind or that will come along during that time.