1. WOW! Kane is finally having a match after being the World Heavyweight Champion for nearly a month.
2. Kane came out of his match against Kofi Kingston looking really strong. I’ve never really been a fan of Kane, but this match made me realise otherwise as I really enjoyed his in-ring work. I am now excited for his match at Summerslam against Rey Mysterio rather than dreading it.
3.  Jamie Keyes – nice to look at but not so nice to listen to. Bring back Tony Chimel asap!
4. Why are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham having a proper in-depth conversation about Team WWE RAW’s match at Summerslam on Sunday?! None of Smackdowns superstars are involved so why are they bothering? – Could you imagine Lawler and Cole talking in-depth about Kane and Rey’s up-and-coming bout when they should be doing commentary on the match that is happening in front of them? – the short answer being no.
5. I like this new version of Drew McIntyre where he actually wants to stand-up and fight rather than being a coward. The old Drew would’ve taken the count-out and therefore the win immediately but no, Drew brought Fat Matt Hardy back into the ring and got the pin – I hope he continues going on like this.
6. It seems as though WWE production staff could not be bothered with filming yet another Dos Caras Jr Alberto Del Rio vignette again and instead edited together a compilation. Every week I wait with baited breath for ‘Alberto Del Rio debuts next week on Smackdown’ and finally after what has felt like a decade that week has come. I just hope he doesn’t disappoint, I’ve heard positive remarks off friends who seen him on the UK tour earlier his year (I didn’t go – I wasn’t paying £50 to see Cena for the third time) so I hope he lives up to his hype.
7. Hmm only last week we saw MVP job his ass off in a 3-man tag match and then this week he beat the former WHC Jack Swagger – confusing much? Next week he will be jobbing to Chavo on Superstars then taking on Kane the week after in the main event. Come on WWE please make a decision on how to use the former US champ.
8.  Now that Tiffany has been suspended for battering poor Drew (which I would never ever do – just putting out there in case you’re reading this Mr. McIntyre ;) ) What will happen with the Smackdown divas division now?! – They seem to have something against Rosa so she’s out of the question so it looks like we are stuck with Kelly Kelly against LayCool for the time being *sigh.* They should send Gail Kim over to SD as then she might actually get a chance to show off her amazing wrestling ability rather than being wasted away on RAW.
9. Dolph Ziggler in the main event was surprising in both a good and a bad way. The match in itself was excellent (even though we have seen it a million times already) but Dolph in the main event – really? Smackdown is definitely better then RAW wrestling wise but RAW has the big names in which SD is definitely lacking.
10. Best match of the night: they were all really good actually, I wasn’t bored during any and they all had exciting elements. If I had to choose I would give the accolade to Kofi/Kane as it gave a good build-up for the World Heavyweight Championship match on Sunday.
Worst match of the night: none, as I previously said I enjoyed them all.
Best segment: Drew McIntyre and Dashing Cody Rhodes walking backstage as I got to stare at them and drool at the sexiness.