Tony Bedard talks DC's cult fave Lobo! What about that Red Lantern ring?


Tony Bedard, writer of R.E.B.E.L.S. inner-fanboy is satisfied! Check out his gushings about Lobo…

To counter the massive amount of brain on hand, Bedard is bringing in the brawn with issue #20. “I’ve wanted Lobo on the team from the start, because he was one of my favorite things from the original ‘L.E.G.I.O.N.’ series, but other plans for the character meant I had to wait,” revealed the writer. “Lobo’s the perfect counterpoint to Dox: brawn versus brains. The first time he worked with Dox, it was because Dox had tricked him into a promise of service. Now, he’s back because he’s in cosmic-sized debt and Dox is waving a paycheck at him. But having Lobo on your team is like having a tiger by the tail.”

Bedard edited the old monthly “Lobo” series previously, which allowed for a little familiarity with the character. The writer said he sees the character as virtually pure Id, with no real moral conscious to keep him in check. However, Bedard does believe there is a strange purity to the character that he finds appealing as a writer. As mentioned, the character becomes a new member of the team moving forward and Bedard told us he really looks forward to exploring how the other team members react to the force of nature presence of the character, beginning in the title’s next arc “To Be a R.E.B.E.L.” which features the Green Lantern Corps.

Source: CBR

Hmmm. no reference to the red ring which was front and centre in the recent Lobo cliffhanger.

Ok, will this old variant cover from June fill that void of Red Lantern / Lobo information void? Probably not, but it was a sweet cover:

John is a long-time pop culture fan, comics historian, and blogger. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief at Comics Nexus. Prior to being EIC he has produced several column series including DEMYTHIFY, NEAR MINT MEMORIES and the ONE FAN'S TRIALS at the Nexus plus a stint at Bleeding Cool producing the COMICS REALISM column. As BabosScribe, John is active on his twitter account, his facebook page, his instagram feed and welcomes any and all feedback. Bring it on!