1. I’m sure they could have found a way for the Briscoe Brothers to deliver the match to the Kings of Wrestling that this is, indeed, not over, as opposed to Durden’s awful canned “what are your goals within the tag division” question. What else would their goal be, you imbecile? I’m just hoping ROH isn’t setting us up for a Briscoes-ference DQ finish for the Kings of Wrestling vs. Haas/Benjamin match, like they did when KoW went up against the Motor City Machine Guns.
2. I’m usually entertained by Prince Nana. He has a hokey, old-school manager quality to him that does it for me. That said, tonight’s promo wasn’t his best work. It wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t good.
3. I really like Kevin Steen and Jerry Lynn, so when their match got off to a slow start, I was worried they may not have much chemistry. They really picked it up as the match went, however, and had a fine match – best of the night, in my opinion, with the right guy going over.
4. At one point, I thought it was just a matter of time until Kevin Steen circled back to another, this time longer, feud against Tyler Black. Obviously, however, that’s not going to happen, which raises the question: once the feud with Generico and Cabana runs its course, where does Steen go? I wouldn’t mind seeing him get involved in a program with Daniels, as it would keep him near the top of the ROH food chain, if nothing else.
5. I was also happy to see Rhett Titus get involved in the Lynn-Steen match. I’ve always gotten a chuckle out of his over-the-top character and think he’s decent enough in the ring, so I didn’t want to see him get lost in the shuffle once Aries and King moved on to bigger things. However, between the All-Night Express and a possible feud with Lynn, it looks like they’re going to give him a chance to do something. Probably best that they didn’t wait too long, as over-the-top characters tend to have limited shelf lives nowadays.
6. If you follow the ROH Newswire and looked at spoilers from the last set of tapings, you know where the Richards-Hagadorn saga is going. But looking at it objectively, it’s a nicely booked feud, as there are a lot of different directions to go with it. Which way does Eddie Edwards go (if either way)? Does Hagadorn’s association with the Kings of Wrestling end up factoring into it?
7. Truth Martini’s tone and delivery are good, but his voice is . . . really grating. I wonder if that’s really his voice, or his character’s voice. Because if it’s the latter, and he does it to make his character particularly annoying (in a good way), it’s working. On me, at least.
8. So the Glory By Honor main event is now No DQ. I’m hoping ROH has something creative planned for the stipulation, as opposed to going with the predictable finish (Truth Martini and/or the House of Truth interfere and cost Black the ROH World Title).
9. This is the third 8-man match involving the Embassy I’ve seen in the past year-plus. The first two (one on HDNet, one in Phoenix the day before Wrestlemania) were, while not technical masterpieces, really fun affairs. This one wasn’t. It just seemed disjointed, with the participants resorting to uninspired brawling when they didn’t know what to do. Oddly, the fans came alive for his after being dead for most of the show.
10. An off night from ROH after 3 or so strong shows. Steen-Lynn was good, and they built some intrigue for the Richards-Hagadorn and Black-Strong angles, but everything else fell flat. I would’ve considered pimping Tag Wars 2010 a little more, considering it’s going to be such an important part of this coming weekend’s shows, but ROH, to their credit, does not pay me the big bucks.