Spoiler Warnings: What Does The Predator Do In Green Lantern #57 By Geoff Johns And Doug Mahnke?

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Possessing Abraham, the Predator attacks the casino where Lisa works as a waitress and tells her that he’s stayed away far too long, and that now he finally has the power to make her love him. Carol steps in to stop him, as her mission from the Zamaron’s is to find and secure the Predator. Hal and Larfleeze fail to do much against it, and Hal proclaims that the entity is corrupting it’s hose like Parallax did to him.

Carol has another theory though, that the hosts are the ones corrupting, as Ion was just fine. Then she rants at him to not let their dysfunctional version of true love define what love really is, and then tells him not to make it about them….despite that she brought it up. But she refuses to believe that true love is ever a bad thing.

Helping Lisa, she finds out that she has no clue who her attacker is. He demands that Lisa love him, saying that he’s been there every day for two years and never spoken to her, that he wants her to be nice to him. To love him. Carol tells him there’s a difference between love and infatuation, and then kisses him…which separates the Predator from Abraham, and then they are teleported back to Zamaron.

A lifelong reader and self proclaimed continuity guru, Grey is the Editor in Chief of Comics Nexus. Known for his love of Booster Gold, Spider-Girl (the real one), Stephanie Brown, and The Boys. Don't miss The Gold Standard.