Hey Inside Pulsers,
Hatton here – creator of the Monday Night Rabble & co-creator of the RabbleCast. When I first started reading the Dirt Sheets, I laughed at how every few months you would read a good-bye letter from some sobby 17 year old about how they were leaving whatever site it was. They would throw out thank yous to the people that had helped them on their year or eight months on the site. I would giggle at how stupid it was – but, surprisingly enough, here I am. I have been with Inside Pulse since it began. That’s like 5+ years ago.. so indulge me for just a g’damned second.
This episode of the RabbleCast marks the beginning of the first time that I haven’t been involved in the site in some capacity since its beginning. Whether it was within Wrestling, Forums, Television, or Comics – I’ve really bounced all over this little world and I thank everyone who has read, edited, loved, and hated what I’ve done. (Sometimes simultaneously) I’m not so bold as to write a list of people, but I will specifically thank Matthew Michaels and Widro for keeping track of my slack-ass. Know though, that if you have ever emailed the RabbleCast, IM’d the Monday Night Rabble, complained about me butchering a comic book fact, or hung with me on the forums… I thank you.
I’m not leaving IP forever. Widro has ideas and I look forward to hearing what they are, but I felt that the end of my involvement in the experiment that is ‘The Rabble’ deserved a special note. Those who know me should know that my love of breaking all things ‘4th wall’ will lead me to some other experiment in messing with the audience..
So – in closing – Erik & Myke have huge things in store for the RabbleCast, and I don’t feel bad in the slightest in handing over the reins. I look forward to checking in occasionally with Trucky, Nixon McMahon, Clitty, Candice, Kurt ‘Meat Suit’ Angle, the Warrior Web, and the multitude of characters that have come out of this idiocy.
Thank you and I seriously love you all…. Like, with tongues.
James Hatton