10 Thoughts Review on Justice League of America by James Robinson and Pow Rodrix

10 Thoughts, Reviews

1. James Robinson’s Justice League has been controversial, to say the least, but I used to like Robinson so I thought I’d give this issue between arcs a try.

2. We begin with Batman (Dick) and Supergirl bonding.  It’s quite well-handled, but only bookends the issue, unfortunately. Supergurl seems needy, but besides that, it works.

3. Jade and Wondergirl visiting Alcatraz takes up most of the issue.  The start of their visit is perfectly acceptable, except that it leads to an obvious villain invades the mind sequence.

4. Do we really, seriously need to confront Donna Troy and Jade with their worst fears again, already?  We just had Blackest Night! Try a new theme!

5. Worse, it’s done by a throwaway villain who’s barely worth remembering even after Robinson dredged him up for this issue.

6. The cover promises JLA vs. Titans and fails utterly to deliver.  This book will never get my money again.  Way to bait and switch.

7. The art here isn’t bad, but the layouts are a bit… predictable and the ladies in the book share the same face and are weirdly misshapen to show off their bodies in action sequences.

8. Jade, a Green Lantern, lacks the willpower to overcome the Boogey Man even when she knew his powers going in.  I know Robinson wanted this to be about Wonder Girl, but come on.

9. There’s one “what is the rest of the JLA up to” page here that is utterly utterly throwaway and really gives us nothing about the characters that hasn’t been obvious from day 1.  Waste of time.

10. <b>Rating: 3/10</b> – Only the Batman/Supergirl scenes are redeemable, as everything else is throwaway rehashes done better elsewhere.  What in the hell happened to James Robinson?

Glazer is a former senior editor at Pulse Wrestling and editor and reviewer at The Comics Nexus.