Unbundled 320GB PS3 Now Shipping To Stores


Sony has announced that a standalone 320GB console will be shipping to stores any day now. This will NOT include any of the PlayStation Move equipment, and will retail at $349.99.

The digital distribution trend is undeniably gaining momentum, and we here at PlayStation are committed to providing you with the hardware you need to support as much downloadable media as possible. The 320GB PS3 system, which will retail for $349.99, has the largest storage capacity of any next-gen console and will continue to provide the same high-quality gaming that PlayStation fans have come to expect. For only $50 more, you get twice the storage capacity of the 160GB system.

With popular downloadable PlayStation Move games like Tumble already out and PSN exclusives like echochrome ii, Beat Sketcher, PAIN, and Dead Nation on the horizon, there are more options for downloadable content now than ever. But advantages of more storage on your PS3 doesn’t stop with the great games; blockbuster movies and hit TV shows are available for download on PSN and viewable in HD on the only all-in-one gaming and entertainment console that boasts a Blu-ray player. Enjoy!

I like Comics, Wrestling, Super Mario Bros & Dead Space. Oh ya, and Scott Pilgrim.